Could be Fun
Would need to determine What frequencies to use.
Can't Limit the contest to just one frequency. Maybe 16, 36,37,39,and 40. Single op only to keep it simple. I like the KISS method.
There would have to be a gentleman's agreement as to the legal 12 watt output.
Would be impossible to prove if any station was using an amplifier.
Heck even the ham contests have multi Kilowatt stations. As if that is legal
May be easier to use what you got. Good operating technique will make the contact just as much as using illegal power.
Start at 0001 Zulu on a Friday and end at 0001 Zulu on a Sunday. Logs should be posted within 48 hours after end of contest.
I like the idea of the CDX prefix, would definitely let other contesters know it is from the forum.
Have multipliers for mobile, and marine maritime contacts. It is amazing how an A99 will perform mounted on my 21' center console surrounded by salt water.
Would need to have a CDX 11 meter club roster for verification process.
Just throwing out some ideas.