Didn't talk much on 10m today; there really wasn't that much as there was yesterday.
Did snag the Azore Islands for the first time and also got Hispaniola in the Caribbean. Almost made another contact with the Canary Islands/'Las Palmas'; but he finished before I could get my call recognized. Not too bad; can always use more island contacts. They are real gravy!
19AT027 Frits 5/5 Netherlands
Had a great chat with Frits that lasted until you could hear his wife come in the room and threaten him with a frying pan to get off of the radio and go eat dinner.
Classic . . .
1AT786 Nico 5/9 Sicily/IT
Sicily on 11m band is a first. Great sounding station and a long QSO too.
19DX056 Twan 5/9 Netherlands
Second time I've talked to Twan. As I hear him often enough on the West Coast.
163AT116 Beth 5/9 Wales
Talked to this lovely lady for over fifteen minutes. She wanted to get her broadcast audio to sound like mine. So it took awhile to explain all the basics. I think her station sounds fine; but she wants to get hifi audio. I can understand that.
14IP28 Gerald 5/9 France
Toulouse, France. Which is the southern part of France. A lot of people wanted to talk today on the freeband, and I did also. Gerald was coming in quite strong for quite awhile.
103AT021 Jose 5/7 Puerto Rico/US
Very nice station and I listen to him make many contacts after mine.
69SD108 Ramon 5/7 Costa Rica
First contact for Costa Rica. One would think that it is so close that it would be easier. Just didn't happen that way.
10AD105 Manuel 5/9 Mexico
Mexico comes in quite often; but I never talked to him before. He challenged my ability to speak Spanish, as it isn't up to the mark as it should be.
9WR2000 Robin 5/9 Canada
Talked to Robin for about fifteen minutes too. Often hear him making the same DX contacts into the Pacific region as I do. Asked him to put up his station QSL card here. We want to see it here - Robin.
19SD348 Henry 5/5 Netherlands
Henry heard me but couldn't read back my numbers. I was in my mobile at the time and had a decent copy on him. Maybe next time Henry HPSD . . .
43WR014/43RC005 Darryl 5/9+
Now Darryl has a true monster station. Some of you I know have talked to him. He is located on the WEST cost of Australia. That is ~9,700 miles short path to my location. Long path (what he was using to talk to me) is close to 14,800!
Here is the picture of that monster: