Yes we all start somewhere!
How we continue to grow as an individual (to learn) is up to us, nobody will do the work for us.
When we ask for somebody's opinion we have to be ready to accept the fact that we may not like it.
I have never seen somebody claim to have any special knowledge, other than one individual who seems to think that his tune is not reproducible.. I'm sure he has something in his mind that makes him feel sooo special...
There are so many books available it's not even funny if somebody is serious about learning all they have to do is sit down and read. Do not let the BS scare you away, somebody's always going to claim to be better and smarter. The proof is in the pudding..
I come here and I ask questions from people who are more experienced so that I may get pointed in the right direction. If i start asking to be spoon-fed knowledge then I would expect to be treated like a child.
( I'm not saying that anybody in particular does this because we all need a little guidance every now and then.)
My opinion on an oscilloscope manufactured in a country other than Germany or the United States of America....
(Well I guess I'm not the real deal so my opinion doesn't really matter, after all I've only been "in the game" for less than a year
I would say it's probable that a Chinese or Vietnamese oscilloscope is not going to be working 20 or 30 years from now... Several Tektronix units with original capacitors are running well, even after 20 years into the product's life. That level of quality will be hard to rival with a modern scope ( in my humble opinion. )
Internet forums are a funny thing. Judging others can be a very funny thing, how does it truly make us feel inside when we put somebody down?
Is that like some kind of superiority complex? If I call people ignorant, chances are I really am the ignorant one.
Not all intelligent people are humble, but I would argue that the majority of them are. Even the most humble people can only take so much.