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What effective DSP units with or without speakers are available out there

The ClearSpeech from West Mountain Radio I think is the better one out there.

They sell a unit which lets you use your own speaker or I think your better off using the DSP amplified speaker. This is a LOUD speaker if you really want both volume and DSP.

These aren't cheap, around $200 but are of very good quality.

Many CB speakers that have noise switches are just a high cut with a resistor, you can put a resistor on your existing speaker.

Look at the BHI from the UK. They do both external speakers, in line modules that allow you to use your existing external speaker and boards you can install in your radio. They have several different presets you select with a button.

Worldwide shipping.

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The West Mountain speaker is good, like mention above and also the Heil Clear Speech works good.

I have been using this speaker for the last 19 yrs now and only problem that I've had, is to replace the toggle switch.

While I am here - JJ I heard you up here yesterday and called back several times. You were talking with a mobile in Florida at the time.........
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West Mountain Radio aka Clear Channel, Bhi, Scaf 1(technicaly not DSP), MFJ DSP, Realistic DSP(SSB and CW), Time Wave "chose best model for your use"!

Anything you would use for your TX audio could be modified to use on RX audio output. So EQ, symetry device, compression etc....

When it comes to DSP not all units are equal a lot of variation on how well various designs work and how much they distort the audio or add artifacts into the audio. Some people hate the artifacts in DSP and prefer to go the notch filter and EQ route. This topic is for 2 way communication almost as polarizing as say abortion is to religion and politics. People fall all over the place on the topic of how best to precess sound for both TX and RX!

Depending on how your brain processes sound you will gravitate to one solution normaly over the other's! I am not sure there is a right or wrong on this topic!

I also like feeding the output into a speaker that is much larger than what you need but not stupid large to mechanicaly dapen the high's which tend to be very harsh while not killing the auditory range we want for human speech! So like a factory 6"/6.5" or 6X9" from a junk yard that is still in great shape etc...
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I find that using one bookshelf stereo speaker along with one radio shack speaker together helps. I have them about head level with the bookshelf speaker pointed at my right ear and the radio shack pointed at my left ear. The DSP in my 955 is the icing on the cake.
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THANK YOU to everyone who posted replies to my question. An awful lot of info to digest and research.
Most everyone knows that when it comes to radio equipment, I’m an old school guy. I like the older equipment because there is plenty of space inside for modifications, it’s easy to work on, and, most importantly, a schematic is available.
I bought my Cobra 139Xlr new in 1978. The two areas that are really lacking are an SDR panadapter display and effective noise reduction for single sideband operation. I purchased an SDR-RTL dongle and transplanted it inside the 139XLR. The display options with this setup are numerous, but I utilize a spectrum and waterfall display most of the time.
I researched the DSP units recommended by forum members, and was impressed. Hate to say this, but too overpriced ($300 -500 dollars) for me. Or, like the Timewave DSP, Radio Shack DSP40 or MFJ DSP, are no longer available new.

After a lot of research, I settled on the SOUNDFY 2.8 SSp Digital Crossover and Equalizer. This piece of gear does everything the member- recommended units do and much more. Only $60.00 too.
Unbelievable number of features, menu programmable. Eight individually selectable outputs. I daisy-chained the outputs so I can change my noise reduction at the push of a button. Still have a lot to learn about this unit. But for now have programmed eight slightly different bandpass configurations so I can select the best one for changing conditions. Connected between the 139’s AM/SSB detector output and the input to the audio amp. Now have hash and static-free receive at the push of a button. My temporary setup is a kluged mass of wiring. I’ll have a neater finished setup (and photos) in a few days. For now, it works and that’s the bottom line.

Thanks again for all the help guys. I owe you all one.

- J.J. 399

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