This is a little one that is handy for portable work and camping. I've even run it on my porch with a extension cord to run my computer as temporary. LOL
That is a Dandy & should GET-ER-DONE and looks like electric start like mine. But it will be a heavy sucker so find it a permanent home. ENJOY
As the favorite question in this forum goes. Today I installed 50 amp generator inlet box and interlock kit to my panel and verify I say unto you with my two dual fuel parallel kit if needed 4600 watt each generators I shall have power throughout all of my lands (sans 220 because these generators I also use for power on pop up camper trips are 110 capable only) but I have wired with being future proof in mind vs cheaping out on a 30 amp box and wire should I choose to get a godzilla generator that does do 220 at a later time.
Yeah that will work as long as you have a fresh air intake and a way to expel the exhaust. I have the same shed behind my garage that I store garden tools in.Yes, it's not going to be moved and the electronic start is an upgrade from the Generac and I DO like this option. Back when I bought the first generator I also bought this outdoor storage compartment and made a few modifications by installing several vents and an exhaust coming out of the container. It looks old and worn now but it still does the job.
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