Seller wanted $850 for it. We haggled for a while and he took $775.
He seemed happy about it and I certainly was. I've seen them go for
a bit less than that, but, usually they sell for $800-$900. And a lot of
those don't have the built-in Auto Tuner. Mine does, along with the
latest updates. It will decode CW on screen, and you can plug a PS2
Keyboard into the radio and send CW that way if you want.
The Auto Tuner is built by LDG and will match a much wider range than
a lot of built-in auto tuners. (more like LDG's line of external tuners do)
I like the radio quite a bit. But, I have the bug for either a Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark V, or an ICOM 775DSP.
Guess, I'm just a buying/trading kind of guy!!!