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What is causing this?


Sr. Member
Jan 4, 2009
Rogers, Ar
In the area there are at least 3 stations hearing this interference regularly. 2 of us are 3 miles from each other, and the 3rd station is 8 miles from me, 9 miles from the station 3 miles from me.

My radio hearing this is the Anytone 778.
The next nearest station is a Kenwood.
The most distant station is an Icom IC-746.

So not caused by a cheap import intermod issue.

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Could be all of the above. However, this is a new development. We've all been operating without this noise for a few years. It has been happening to the most distant Icom station for about 3 weeks on and off everyday. The nearer Kenwood station has seen it now for weeks, but not daily, and usually in the evenings.
My Anytone station has just this week began hearing it. It's all day long and at night going on and off with not particular pattern. This followed installing a dual band VHF/UHF Tram 1481 vertical.
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If the power station is having issues with a substation transformer and/or air gate, it can “run the lines”. The local transformer (pole mounted) can filter out a good bit if not all of the normal line noise but once it reaches a certain level of dirty power, it will simply filter what it can then the rest just keeps going. The reason I asked if it was a certain time is because a lot of power generation plants will take their mains offline during non peak hours to save money and their secondary isn’t as clean.
homer bb, i live about 60 miles from you.friends i talk to in joplin on simplex cant talk lately over that very noise.i think its in joplin cause my g707 kenwood in my pickup goes wacky in joplin. another friend at opolis kansas which is about same distance from me gets to me easy n me back to him. its becoming annoying as hell too. what repeaters you use in rogers? i can open several in nwa n might be able to talk to you
im 28 miles northeast of joplin too
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oh is it better now that it rained for you? last few days my joplin friends have been able to talk to me. i think a badly grounded machine in the new hospital is doing it st johns comes to mind as 1 of my friends live very close to st johns n he goes through hell lately.
when they talk that same noise rides in with them. we are using many brands of radios too.even my henery vhf1plus n htx 212 radioshack recieves same noise as my 271kw,v71kw n icom 2300
Wow that is some kind of annoying noise. Ok not inter mod, probably not a 22.1 Mc ( I think ) image, + or - from displayed frequency. My Alinco has this frequency transmitted out quit strong.

Only thing I can suggest is make a 4 element yagi beam and a attenuator and go find it. Good luck. The local power company finial fixed the noisy High Voltage power lines a few poles from me. But that back fired since its so quiet now, half to make a new beam antenna, federal law I believe.

Jay in the Great Mojave Desert
I will go on a search for this when I get well.
Both my wife and I have covid. She's in the hospital, I am fighting it from home. Way to weak, and using a breathing machine to keep up with oxygen.

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