Having been in a "Service" type industry for many years.
The Phone is a Constant irritant!!!!
No sooner you get started on something the damn thing 'rings" and your Stopped!!!!
I have dealt with Norm's on several Items, mostly on rebuilds.
(Which he does excellent work!)
Last time we chatted, he has the "purchase info" on his site still, but the higher volume dealers have pretty well wiped out his ability to compete on a "NIB" market.
Not to mention the "inventory" requirements the manufacturers mandate for competitive pricing and turnover. (X# units sold/purchased per month etc. to maintain lowest pricing structure)
I think, except for the Alliance H/D 73 rotor package...(which he now own's that name, I believe)
He gets most of his "rebuilt" stock from trades/exchanges these days, thus he does not sell most rebuilds outright. He keeps them around for people "upgrading" to better model or quick exchange when one comes in for rebuild.
I guess his site can be a little misleading in that regard, but he has left much of that new purchase info for more comparison than anything.
All the Best