Amateur radio operators are a cross section of society. Some are egotistical assholes and some are not. Some are snobby and some are not. Some are willing to help you and some are not. To try to generalize and say all "xxxx" are this way or that way is just plane stupid.
Being an amateur radio operator does not keep you from doing anything. It opens a million doors that allow you to do things that you can't legally do in the 11 meter band. It is, in fact, liberating
If you are unwilling to follow rules, guidelines and laws then perhaps it is just being an outlaw that you like and not just being a CB operator. If that's the case then probably it is best that you stay on 11m and raise your brand of hell there.
Being an amateur radio operator does not keep you from doing anything. It opens a million doors that allow you to do things that you can't legally do in the 11 meter band. It is, in fact, liberating
If you are unwilling to follow rules, guidelines and laws then perhaps it is just being an outlaw that you like and not just being a CB operator. If that's the case then probably it is best that you stay on 11m and raise your brand of hell there.