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What is this?

Some like them some do not.
Still no reason to get rather colorful with descriptive names for one group of radio Op`s.
There is good and bad on both sides of the fence.
I do not care for echo on a SSB signal on CB or the Ham Bands.
I do not mind it if the guys that I know are all talking on a Sat night On AM and want to play around with there toys.
No big deal to me ........ there are other channels or bands to be used.
Sometimes people lose sight of what we do as "radio nuts"
Have fun,
not everyone has the same tastes in radio, but we all like to play radio ..... in general.
Any way....
what where we talking about...
Ya, a noise toy.
When they first came out I kinda liked the ping/double ping/doorbell that
fired on Key up.....Was neat.... once and a while,,,,,,
PDC something.

I have to agree with Jeff (Audioshockwave) here on this. At what point does one become that which he is complaining about? When criticizing someone for being an idiot, an asshole, or a moron one must be careful so as to not appear to be one of those whom he is criticizing and it all boils down to presentation. Everyone has and is entitled to his/her opinion but they should express that opinion in an adult like manner and not in a childish rant. It's called "decency".

Nuff said I hope.

The technical term is psychological projection. ;)

i personally don't like noise toys, but i don't see what harm they do if both parties in a conversation don't mind them and they don't cause splatter onto adjacent channels, personally i find overmodulation,over deviation and splatter far more annoying than someone amusing theirself with a noise toy.

Each to their own, thats what cb is meant to be about, free of the stuffiness and military style regulations of ham radio.
Not everyone wants to contest and get fake 5/9 reports, some people just enjoy laid back no holds barred FUN.

incidentally six shooter one of the biggest reasons hams bad mouth cb is just plain old jealousy, because they see cb'ers working vast distances albeit illegally (perish the thought,lol bit of a pisser when your stuck on 2m working 20 mile via a repeater) or just plain having a good time. as for your very strong opinions what you really meant was you have very EGOTISTICAL opinions.

everyone has to start somewhere, even if it is asking about gimmicks.
incidentally six shooter one of the biggest reasons hams bad mouth cb is just plain old jealousy, because they see cb'ers working vast distances albeit illegally

:w00t::lol::lol: Yeah right. That's it. Yeah we're jealous that they use 100's or even 1000's of watts to make contacts over distances we could only dream of. :rolleyes: Things must work a lot different over on your side.:pop:
:w00t::lol::lol: Yeah right. That's it. Yeah we're jealous that they use 100's or even 1000's of watts to make contacts over distances we could only dream of. :rolleyes: Things must work a lot different over on your side.:pop:

Not many people running thousands of watts over here Garth, things here are a hell of a lot different to your side of the pond, the vast amount of ham work in my city anyway is via 2m and jealousy of freebanders is rife, ironically mostly from hams who jumped ship from freeband to vhf and end up disillusioned with it.

i doubt there is much jealousy from those who operate mainly on hf here but then they tend to be the technically proficient hams here, which if i'm not mistaken are in the minority going by the crap i've heard spouted on 2m here.

maybe you could enlighten us to other reasons they would be jealous of cb'ers.
Not many people running thousands of watts over here Garth, things here are a hell of a lot different to your side of the pond, the vast amount of ham work in my city anyway is via 2m and jealousy of freebanders is rife, ironically mostly from hams who jumped ship from freeband to vhf and end up disillusioned with it.

i doubt there is much jealousy from those who operate mainly on hf here but then they tend to be the technically proficient hams here, which if i'm not mistaken are in the minority going by the crap i've heard spouted on 2m here.

maybe you could enlighten us to other reasons they would be jealous of cb'ers.

Actually I wouldn't use the term "jealous". I may however use the term "pissed off at". :lol:

In all honesty I see no jealousy at all and to be honest why would there be? Ham radio has so much more to offer and if low power contacts is your thing it can be done on the HF bands better than 11m. Also most guys are thrilled with the distance they get via 2m repeater versus 27 MHz. Locally here I can use a 5 watt handheld and hit a repeater 20 miles away and use it to talk to someone another 60-70 miles away. With the repeater linking system we have here I can use an HT and talk anywhere in the three Maritime provinces, almost 52,000 square miles.You may be correct with the state of affairs on your side but things are quite different here, at least in Canada they are. When the code requirement was dropped, all those no-coders many of which were former/current CB'ers, were welcomed to the HF bands with a gentle reminder that things were different there. Things went pretty well actually.The only time a ham gets bent out of shape with a CB'er is when he tries to buy an FT-101 from one and finds it hacked for 11m. :biggrin: CB is pretty dead all over here so the issue never really comes up.
Ham radio has so much more to offer

i don't doubt for a minute that is the case in a civilized country like canada, but sadly not in glasgow, check out cs informer and you'll see why i say what i say.

gives a good indication of glasgows main repeater and the morons that frequent it, incidentally most of the comments on there are by hams who talk like that on the radio too. not to mention the fact many cheated their way to their ham tickets,despite the test being that easy now a 6 year old with dyslexia could pass it, 3 clubs in this area have been investigated by ofcom for such practices.

to use a typical glaswegian statement:

I just skimmed through those sound bites but from what I heard your OFCOM should walk softly and carry a big stick through the area. The worst I have heard here is when a group of CB'ers from pretty much one local "backwoods" area got their ham tickets and gathered on a local repeater along with all their CB jargon. That really went over well. :whistle:
Some of them changed right away but as usual there were a couple with the "fuck you I have a license too" in the crowd. That was about the time a lot of unused yagis and 2m brick amps got dusted off and showed them what the FM capture effect was all about. :w00t: There was no jamming done, just simple uninterrupted conversations. I haven't heard them back on in years now. :D

BTW for some reason I feel compelled to post this picture. :whistle:

I just skimmed through those sound bites but from what I heard your OFCOM should walk softly and carry a big stick through the area. The worst I have heard here is when a group of CB'ers from pretty much one local "backwoods" area got their ham tickets and gathered on a local repeater along with all their CB jargon. That really went over well. :whistle:
Some of them changed right away but as usual there were a couple with the "fuck you I have a license too" in the crowd. That was about the time a lot of unused yagis and 2m brick amps got dusted off and showed them what the FM capture effect was all about. :w00t: There was no jamming done, just simple uninterrupted conversations. I haven't heard them back on in years now. :D

Don't make for good listening mate, nor does it do anything to enhance amateur radios reputation.

One of the worst offenders in those sound bites is an rsgb approved tutor accusing one of my mates of blaming him for keying the mike with very choice language.


first soundbite on that page with transcript printed above for those who find the glaswegian accent hard to understand,

i think you might understand why i have my views after listening/reading it.
first soundbite on that page with transcript printed above for those who find the glaswegian accent hard to understand,

Tnx for the transcript. I used to work with an older fellow from Edinburgh and that was bad enough. Jim really liked to roll those "R's" It made for some interesting looks when you just agreed and nodded. :lol:

i think you might understand why i have my views after listening/reading it.

And that is probably where we don't see eye-to-eye. Sometimes comments are made that refer to "hams" which means ALL of them and THAT is what I take exception too.
Tnx for the transcript. I used to work with an older fellow from Edinburgh and that was bad enough. Jim really liked to roll those "R's" It made for some interesting looks when you just agreed and nodded. :lol:

lol, i can imagine, if its any consolation i find the edinburgh accent hard too understand too, considering its only 30 odd miles from glasgow its like talking to foreigners.

And that is probably where we don't see eye-to-eye. Sometimes comments are made that refer to "hams" which means ALL of them and THAT is what I take exception too.

Funnily enough i take the same exception when cb'ers are stereotyped too, we're not all dumbasses and many hams overlook that fact.

but i realise we all generally refer to what we see/hear day to day and its sometimes easy to forget not everywhere is the same as your own location.

i know some blinding good hams, but even i am guilty of generalising, most hams here in the uk realise what i mean when i dig at hams, they know i'm not referring to the good guys, obviously you don't know me or our radio scene as well as they do, which is why i rarely take offence when we disagree, its just we have different perspectives.

be good mate best 73, i think we've detoured off thread enough and i think we both now have a better understanding off each others perspective.

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