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What is your all time favorite BASE AMP?

Maybe we should rename this thread " what Amp do you dream of owning"


Well that would be the one I eventually want to build for myself. Nothing fancy, just a pair of 3-500Z's and operate from 160-10m. I would take it any day over something I bought. Crazy power is just for someone that either wants to stir up shit on the band(s) or is trying to compensate for poor operating abilities or just cannot stand to wait in line for a contact. I have worked far to many contacts with 100 watts to see it any differently.
having seen an acom survive 100+w fm drive every day and open circuit sirio 827's, arcing melted 827 coils and fried coax more than once they get my vote as one tough amplifier.
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I know antenna is key, and i have had what i thought were some decent ones, but rarely can make dx contacts on11 meters ssb with 4-5 watts. I have done it a few times but not often, i do try though. And never on am, 1 time when i was just getting into cbs with a shakespear pogo stick antenna and tried forever. Didnt even know amps existed back then

Well.......here's the thing. MANY folks say...."why use an amp....I never needed an amp.....it's all about the antenna system".....and so on, and so on, and so on. The Real Deal: Of course. QRP is great! Much fun! Minimal amount of power needed to make the communication......awesome!......but see? That's just it. When you're attempting to DX on 11 meters.....how many people AREN'T using an amp? NOT MANY! so.......if you wnt to "make the communication".....you need one. How "big"?....well....500 watts out the antenna will seem like magick compared to "running barefoot". It's a good number that will keep you somewhat in compitition with "the big boys". Realize that MANY guys on 11 are running 1000 watts or MORE! So even using 100 watts out will get you at least heard somewhere that you normally would'nt due to all the folks out there running power. But to really have fun when the DX is rolling on 11 meters...at least 500 watts will give the good time you're looking for.
Now don't get me wrong....I have a Ham ticket.....and I do run "barefoot" most of the time on the HF frequencies! However....I do not run "QRP". So even my "barefoot" is still 100 watts. And for a lot of Ham operators....200 to 400 watts or even more can be their level of "barefoot" depending on their equipment.
But most any omni directional antenna will accept 500 watts. The "Antron 99" and the "Imax 2000" being the two most popular.....and the Antron 99 can be had for under $60.00 most anywhere, and the Imax is usually no more than $110.00. And you can pick up an amp able to deliver 500 watts to your antenna for around $350.00 to $375.00 almost anywhere. Just remember not to overdrive the amp. Tube or solid state amps can easily be destroyed by trying to put too much into them. Read, or look up their drive and/or tuning specifications carefully, and be sure to follow. And MOST importantly.....MAKE SURE your SWR on your antenna system is as good as it gets before you try to run an amp. Reflected power going back into your amp will destroy it just as easily as overdriving it!
The moral of the story: Anywhere on the HF bands.....follow good amateur practice, and use your discretion wisely.......but on 11 meters......FIRE IT UP, AND ENJOY!! Everyone else does!
Don't be "rude", and overpower another staion "just because you can".....wait your turn....call CQ DX, or for a specific station, and answer if recognized.......but HAVE FUN!! You get the picture. 73's!!
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Best amp I've owned and will never sell is my 1984 Alpha 76A.
Its not original though as I modified it for 2 3cx800a7 tubes. Thing just keeps going and as lomg as I watch the grid current, I don't think it will ever fail me. My favorite amp to mess around with is my Dentron Clipperton L. Not really a well designed amp compared to others as it has a lot of flaws (unstable on lower frequencies, hum from not being tapped right, no tuned input, etc..etc..) but for some reason I love messing with it and most of the bugs can be fixed on them.
I say again...
DRAKE L4B or L7...amplifiers...With the Power Supply updates installed and the Soft Key mod done...
ROCK SOLID amps...run correctly by Specs about 1200w PEP on SSB and,
at about 500w PEP for OMG AM use...if you blow one up...
it's YOUR FAULT...not the amps...
All the Best
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I had a Fatboy 32 with four golf cart batteries in series and an A99 on a 30 foot push up fiberglass mast. It was in the back of my car on a Wilson 5000, but I could run it on my base antenna if I felt insecure and needed to show my manliness by blasting the local jerks. I had a custom A and A Engineering 16 volt charger. Much to my shegren It's all gone now. I should have kept it, but life's little "priorities" took over. Damn that X-wife.
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The Drake LB4 is a nice one. I'd like to have a Henry 8k ultra. If you can find one they have a hefty price tag.

I had a Fatboy 32 with four golf cart batteries in series and an A99 on a 30 foot push up fiberglass mast. It was in the back of my car on a Wilson 5000, but I could run it on my base antenna if I felt insecure and needed to show my manliness by blasting the local jerks. I had a custom A and A Engineering 16 volt charger. Much to my shegren It's all gone now. I should have kept it, but life's little "priorities" took over. Damn that X-wife.

I'm amazed the a99 or the wilson didn't fail and the 32 pill go up in smoke shortly after.
I'm amazed the a99 or the wilson didn't fail and the 32 pill go up in smoke shortly after.[/QUOTE]

They lasted because I seldom talked for more than a minute at a time. The Wilson burnt a black spot on the top of my car. The A99 did fine.
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As far as 11 meter (cb radio) amplifiers go. The Palomar 300a is a winner.
500 on AM (2 watts dk 10-12 pep) and SSB (12-15) 500+ all day long.
If you're looking for a cb amplifier you can't go wrong.

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