CB Radio ? 20 years around the hobby , Older 148GTL / GrantXL in AM/SSB cb radio PC-412. Very little needed for those radios to make a fine mobile or base station. Nowadays for a cb base station I would go with with either one of those,easliy modified for channels , very little needed in the tuning department , great audio at 100% , fantasic recieive quilites.Will handle just about any microphone (desk or hand held) you put on them. I prefer the Shure 526-T or the Sadelta/galaxy echo master plus. The other choice would be very close to those in the Texas Ranger series that are close to the older 148s and XL's . AM only CB radios ? ....hmmm ? ....more then likely the older Cobra 25s and then the Older29s ....I personally perfer the 25LTD models (early 80s) both radios will do about the same but i prefer the built in anl in the 25 to the 29s for mobile purposes. 29s anl/nbs seem to act like rf gains when used and tend to slightly distorate the in coming audio from others in my experiance , the 25s seem not to do that ? but then again it's built in ,but i surely can here the differents on the 29s as far as my mobiles are concerned over the years. You also have others that basically use the same boards PC-66a/66XL/ PC-76XL along with many more. They are all very close in performance.