A few years ago I thought this WWDX forum the best there was on the internet.
I used to check in everyday to keep up with the 15-20 new and interesting posts per day, and 3-5 new threads per week.
Now I find once or twice a month is sufficient to keep up with the next to nothing going on.
What happened?
I'm sure some will find it easy & convenient to blame conditions, but most of the other popular forums are still very much alive.
know because I've been spending more time there and less time here, just the opposite of 3-4 years ago when this was the best forum on line, PERIOD.
I believe what has really happened is irritants like The DB & Shockwave have been allowed to have their way out here while the average guy gets harassed and intimidated by these self proclaimed antenna theory gods if the little guy dares to make a point which THEY haven't made first, or, god forbid, disagrees and stands up for himself.
A good example is the Maco V58 vs Penetrator thread which was full of The DB stalking me and countermanding each & every one of my posts offered to help the average Joe with, "you're wrong" "Your mistaken" or "It doesn't work like that" and the moderators didn't seem to care, even closing the thread before I had a chance to respond showing how ludicrous the DB's claims against me were.
So now the average Joe, like me, has gone elsewhere.
The DingBat (DB?) who posts that a 248" Maco V58 is LONGER than a 273.5" Penetrator by quoting one typo filled manual that's been brought to light as being wrong for the last 6-7 years it's been printed, and when everyone knows the Penetrator is at least 22' as PAGE ONE OF THAT SAME MANUAL STATES,
also making ridiculous claims such as claiming in post #409 in the long Vector 4000 thread that it's a .8-.82 wavelength antenna or an average of over 350" when the manual shows no such thing, and in doing so contradicts my post accurately claiming it to be a 320" tall 3/4 wave and who states that a Maco V58 is basically the same as a Penetrator, denying the truth about both feed systems just to contradict my every post has evidently run off more people than just me.
Perhaps I have the wrong perspective regarding this forum, you see I've been here to offer help if I can but seem to be wasting my time by this inaccurate keyboard commando stalker contradicting everything I post with paragraph after paragraph after paragraph of technobabble which anyone who's been around radio for any decent length of time knows is horse puckey.
So I guess it's time to ask to be unregistered and move on to another still healthy forum where truth & common sense are preferred.
Good luck with your forum DB & Shockwave, looks like you're the big winners and evidently own this forum.
...or at least what's left of it.
Attention Administrator,
Please unregister my username. I no longer have interest in this forum.