Don't they all have an RCI board in them?
I wasn't suggesting anything, I was asking a question. I thought I had heard that.RCI I'm makes the boards for many radios but most likely makes them to the end users specifications so don't insinuate that RCI condones the shitty boards galaxy chooses to use.
Well there ya go. You haven't had any issues with yours. I've run one with no issues and several locals around here run them with no problems.
They can and will peak and tune out to 35-40 watts and get a nice large handful of extra channels with a simple mod (cut two wires and put them on switches) see @ The extra channels display on the frequency counter....HEY !! It has a frequency counter!, the big meter, the roger beep, the talkback ect....
Try finding any of that on a Cobra or Uniden
35-40 watts????? :laugh:
The REAL 'Better CB' these days isn't a CB at all.
It is a Ham radio that has been opened up for the CB/11 meter band. They are cleaner sounding, better receive, and overall have both more/better features. But be prepared to pay though the nose for it, and don't let anyone know that you have one - LOL!
Truth is - they have a cleaner transmit too!