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I didn't actually, But I believe Road Skawker does. I believe I do know who you are referring to.

well it sure is chivalrous of you to jump to the aid of a fellow forum member.
Can we expect more forum policing from you in the future?
FourStringBurn, the new white knight of the WWRF folks!
well it sure is chivalrous of you to jump to the aid of a fellow forum member.
Can we expect more forum policing from you in the future?
FourStringBurn, the new white knight of the WWRF folks!
Actually you were trying to police the thread first by saying this guy basically has no business here. I thought that was uncalled for since it is an open forum.

I don't know the guy and never had any 1 on 1 dialogue here or on the air for that matter.

I'll try not to police the threads since that's what the moderators are for.

Let's get back on topic, shall we?
I would like to hear from forum member Robb on this topic.

He has professional experience in recording studios working with some major artists.

My experience in this area comes from what I learned from books and hands on doing some live sound and project Studios.

CaptainKilowatt gave us his very informative and professional take on this subject from his years in commercial broadcasting.

It would be informative for all to get another professional opinion on this subject from someone with an audio engineering background.
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No way to cut corners on this one. And no right answers.
A non modified radio with the smart operator can sound pretty good. And I've heard plenty of modified wideband radios sound like sh1t.
I believe you to be running a Dave made transmitter.. I've heard gates of you transmitting and it sounds excellent. 148 in (browns mills?) New Jersey operates a D.M. transmitter also and also sounds great. I myself prefer the sound of those dave made transmitters as opposed to those who add eq's/ injection to get that wide audio. IMO the D.M. transmitter sounds natural.. there's just something about the way those other's sound, it just doesn't sound natural. Not to say they don't sound good because, they do. It comes down to what one's ear precives and what one enjoys listening too. I'll take a plate modulated EF Johnson transmitter (ranger/vaiaint) any day over the odd (too me) sounding audio produced by eq's and other gear. the the.Dave made transmitters sounds more like a plate modulated transmitter then injection/eq's. Just my opinion of cause. 73.
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I believe you to be running a Dave made transmitter.. I've heard gates of you transmitting and it sounds excellent. 148 in (browns mills?) New Jersey operates a D.M. transmitter also and also sounds great. I myself prefer the sound of those dave made transmitters as opposed to those who add eq's/ injection to get that wide audio. IMO the D.M. transmitter sounds natural.. there's just something about the way those other's sound, it just doesn't sound natural. Not to say they don't sound good because, they do. It comes down to what one's ear precives and what one enjoys listening too. I'll take a plate modulated EF Johnson transmitter (ranger/vaiaint) any day over the odd (too me) sounding audio produced by eq's and other gear. the the.Dave made transmitters sounds more like a plate modulated transmitter then injection/eq's. Just my opinion of cause. 73.
Thanks. The less gear the better, hell it sounds damm good in proof mode. I only run my Davemade 148 with only a 575. No eq's or forced asymetrical audio needed. My brain hurts trying to understand why people spend so much on gear.
I thought that high level modulation where it was at. Man was I proved wrong.
[QUOTE="Mustang 131, post: 549144, member: 6346"
I thought that high level modulation where it was at. Man was I proved wrong.[/QUOTE]

Just a quick question. In what context do you refer to "high level modulation"? I ask simply because I see a lot of operators use that term in the wrong context. The terms high level mod and low level mod have very real meanings in the communications world however I see them often refered to quite often as a quantity and not in their true meaning. Just curious. Sometimes I am a stickler for proper terminology. I can't help it. It was beat into me by several engineers and therapy hasn't helped me. :)
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[QUOTE="Mustang 131, post: 549144, member: 6346"
I thought that high level modulation where it was at. Man was I proved wrong.

Just a quick question. In what context do you refer to "high level modulation"? I ask simply because I see a lot of operators use that term in the wrong context. The terms high level mod and low level mod have very real meanings in the communications world however I see them often refered to quite often as a quantity and not in their true meaning. Just curious. Sometimes I am a stickler for proper terminology. I can't help it. It was beat into me by several engineers and therapy hasn't helped me. :)[/QUOTE]
Modulating voltage going to the plate (6146's) Rangers, Valients, BW5100's
Also cobra 29 types with modulation xfmr's.
Just a quick question. In what context do you refer to "high level modulation"? I ask simply because I see a lot of operators use that term in the wrong context. The terms high level mod and low level mod have very real meanings in the communications world however I see them often refered to quite often as a quantity and not in their true meaning. Just curious. Sometimes I am a stickler for proper terminology. I can't help it. It was beat into me by several engineers and therapy hasn't helped me. :)
Modulating voltage going to the plate (6146's) Rangers, Valients, BW5100's
Also cobra 29 types with modulation xfmr's.[/QUOTE]

Good answer. :) I just wanted to make sure you were not referring to lots of audio being crammed into a transmitter as high level audio as soooooo many operators do. For some Godforsaken reason a lot of people refer to 1 watt swinging to 50 watts kind of thing as high level modulation. o_O High level modulation simply means the audio is applied to the final RF stage like plate or collector final modulation. Low level mod is when a low RF level is modulated and the following stages are simply linear amplifiers. I have even heard a lot of folks refer to the crappy audio on AM from a lot of ham rigs as low level modulation simply because it has the ALC knocking the crap out of it. It IS low level mod but not for the reason they think. Again that is just the stickler in me showing. LOL
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Thanks. The less gear the better, hell it sounds damm good in proof mode. I only run my Davemade 148 with only a 575. No eq's or forced asymetrical audio needed. My brain hurts trying to understand why people spend so much on gear.
I thought that high level modulation where it was at. Man was I proved wrong.

Low level is nice. I prefer the transmit of my ts440 but the receiver sucks compared to my TR296 on AM, lots of noise. If I ever get a receiver that I like I'll use the 440 a lot more.

Good answer. :) I just wanted to make sure you were not referring to lots of audio being crammed into a transmitter as high level audio as soooooo many operators do. For some Godforsaken reason a lot of people refer to 1 watt swinging to 50 watts kind of thing as high level modulation. o_O High level modulation simply means the audio is applied to the final RF stage like plate or collector final modulation. Low level mod is when a low RF level is modulated and the following stages are simply linear amplifiers. I have even heard a lot of folks refer to the crappy audio on AM from a lot of ham rigs as low level modulation simply because it has the ALC knocking the crap out of it. It IS low level mod but not for the reason they think. Again that is just the stickler in me showing. LOL

Come on man. We're better than that. :D
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Low level is nice. I prefer the transmit of my ts440 but the receiver sucks compared to my TR296 on AM, lots of noise. If I ever get a receiver that I like I'll use the 440 a lot more.

Come on man. We're better than that. :D

You and a lot of others are indeed however there are a LOT out there that just have no idea. No idea at ALL. o_O
You and a lot of others are indeed however there are a LOT out there that just have no idea. No idea at ALL. o_O
ooh, ooh, me, me.

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