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Lafayette Comstat 25A and B.
Midland 13-880B
Those I have.
Coolest rig I never had is a Tram Titan 2.
I once had a Mesur Matic Saturn CBX-15 but I will not ever likely find another one!! I have watched Ebay for YEARS and never seen one yet!
I never cared about buying a high-end radio in the 70's. Most guys thought they were doing okay if they had a Cobra 29LTD. Did have a President Adams SSB Mobile in the 80's that seemed cool. Rare now ..... if you have a good looking & working Adams in the closet you can name your price on eBay right now A local tech was adding those Expander Boxes to them so they did 26~28 straight through in 5kc steps.
Coax question. I just put up a new Sirio monsoon base antenna with 100’ of rg8u coax testing with myMFJ antenna analyzer shows 1.4 swr at 26.965mhz and a 1.1 at 27.405 mhz . When I checked the ohms it’s steady a 30 ohms across the entire bandwidth.
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