If for some reason you could only have 1 radio and antenna for your 11 meter and freebanding use what would it be? doesn't matter if it's mobile or base and you don't have to defend yourself with why. I was given this question today by a family member who seen my setup and asked why I had 4 radios on my desk but only 1 hooked up. Only my 949 stays hooked up as it is the only with SSB the others are 2 cobra 29ltd's and a midland with weather channels. When I explained I like the midland for bad weather here in Chicago and use the 29 for traveling or loaning out and the 949 is my base he still didn't seem to get it. The other 29 doesn't work but maybe someday will or will remain for parts as I bought it for $10 at a garage sale. So what's your pick?