i would welcome that, hell i have to text someone to get a god damn radio check or if i want to talk to. the few people still on i paid for there base radio and antenna so i would have someone to talk to.
Nope not a recording. Got in my truck today and I heard as soon as I turned it on. Then about two more times before I got to the interstate (about five minutes).They probably have a recording. Just key your mic and tell everyone that the BBQ sucks.
your not near little rock are you?
I get emails letting me know where the crowd is on 40/75/80.
2 meters is the lifeblood around here. You basically have to bribe any of them away.
i cannot get my 2m on the repeater for the life of me, threes supposed to be one right next to me but it never seems like its on. threes the main one that's linked 15 miles away but im to far for the mobile to activate it. the radio is a kenwood tm271a so it should have plenty of power to do it (60w) the antenna is defiantly wrong though.