So Sunday afternoon I was sitting in the shop and thumbing the channels on the ole CB.
Stopped on 19, naturally, cause I is a truck driving steering wheel holder. And who did my ears hear...the pay attention guy!
He was pretty clear, signal wasn’t super strong and booming but I had absolutely no trouble hearing him. He said he was in New Mexico, about 20 miles north of the border.
So is that where his shop is at? I thought he was traveling in his Griswold Truckster towing a mobile CB repair command unit.
I then lost interest pretty quick because all I could picture was Tommy Chong talking on a CB. Found Jesse James and the gang on 40 in Cabot Arkansas and chatted with him for a few minutes.
It was definitely skip. A barefoot Connex and an A99 @ 50ft didn’t do it any other way.
Where have you heard Tommy at?
I’ve heard him from 200 to nearly 2000-miles away the past few years.
Unfortunately, I can also hear some of the jerks with skip rolling. He isn’t.
His sign-offs may be the same each time, but so is Nancy Sinatra’s. Both are well-chosen.