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which cap to change on an amp


Sr. Member
Dec 7, 2008
I have a question about the Palomar 300A. Which capacitor should be replaced to allow for a higher dead key from my radio? Currently, a dead key of 1 1/2 watts from the radio results in a 200-watt dead key on high from the amp. I would like to use 2 1/2 to 3 watts, dead key as it makes my radio sound better. Thank you for your help.

Only 3 non inductive resistors.
Isn't 5w a bit extreme? I'm all for over-rating parts, but....
tpad attenuator.jpg

Edit: And I know my math is right, because when I add up those wattages, it equals half of what was put in, 3dB :) Also edited photo to smaller size. 28MB was nuts. Sorry.
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Not to put too fine a point on it, but how much do you get from it with this radio on Low side?

Might be the most cost-effective answer.

if you are asking about output power I'm getting at 1 1/2 watts talking almost 4 at 2 to 3 watts talking 6
if you are asking about output power I'm getting at 1 1/2 watts talking almost 4 at 2 to 3 watts talking 6
Actually I was asking how much power the amplifier shows on Low side with this radio. If it's in the neighborhood of half the power seen on High side, you just aren't gaining anything by running it on High side. Sacrificing half your power level has little effect on what the radio at the other end will hear.

Low side is cheaper in one way. The two driver tubes are bypassed, and remain on standby in Low.

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Actually I was asking how much power the amplifier shows on Low side with this radio. If it's in the neighborhood of half the power seen on High side, you just aren't gaining anything by running it on High side. Sacrificing half your power level has little effect on what the radio at the other end will hear.

Low side is cheaper in one way. The two driver tubes are bypassed, and remain on standby in Low.

75 watts dead key talking around 110 watts RMS
Should be close to or over 400 Watts PEP. No way you'll get more than twice that much on High side.

And twice that much power won't get you any farther down the road, or more than a half S-unit on an S-meter.

More or less. Sounds as if it would last a LOT longer on Low side.

with the 101e if i set the ic ma as the book says for am no more than 110ma that is 10 watts which gives me the 75 watts dead key on the low side and with modulation talking 110 watts pep is 320 but with my 148 gtl 200-watt dead key talking shy of 300rms at 800+pep but I'll leave as it is and search for like a 2 3-500z amp won't happen until winter time when working overtime

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