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Which CB Shops are still accepting mail-in repairs?

I'm not mad. Quite the opposite. My money is still in my pocket, while you fish for customers without showing us how your work performs.
Now you are doing that which you claim others do, hypocrite!
Get anywhere near 32 KHz wide (that is 16KHz, top end of what most can hear), I dare ya... I double dog dare ya, don't use an Asiimod or MMM board, you can't with just a few part changes, you'd have to extremely modify the radio, beyond a few caps and resistors.

I see what you did though, on a psychological level, beyond the deflection/distraction!
You tried to equate
Mark's work with a modification board designed to go beyond pre-amp modifications (what Mark does).

Those boards cost so much for a reason; as they are a specialized product not a hocus-pocus tune with a few audio cap values modified. You think you're slick?
Don't compare apples to tangerines.

The false associations and deflection, your psychological technique, may work elsewhere, but no longer here; you are going to be exposed here.

An aware man can see your parlor tricks & smell your baloney a mile away.
My suggestion? Banhammer

Ban him for his is abusive behavior, is goes against the rules.
To add my opinion, visitors don't need to be pitched to any longer.. by him, is he a forum sponsor, no? Didn't think so.
He is abusing his privilege as a member of this forum in order to advertise for FineTune.
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I'm not mad. Quite the opposite. My money is still in my pocket, while you fish for customers without showing us how your work performs.

What work?
Let's take a look and examine this.

I have not mentioned a tech.
Not mentioned I was a tech. In fact I am not.
I did send Mike something I had that's broken but I am not here plugging him every second post.

Your not that good at deflecting.
If I was here looking for customers I might say who I was or at least post something to point them somewhere.

Answer the question. Is Mark Sherman your deity?
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I just bumped into one of his customers today.

dont know if anyone told you your modulation sounds horrable. sounds like you have a clospin on your noi
Mine is a monster on AM and SSB.

my Yaesu 450d is stock from the factory. i garenty i can hear farther than your 6666 and transmit farther than yours; want me to prove it. come to my city ill
The one thing I want to know is why he is not banned.

So we have this thread.
Which shops are taking repairs?
He uses that to post an advertisement for Sherman where be links one of his videos trying to disgrace Mike's "tune" and I have never heard Mike say he has a "tune".

It's all shameless self promotion, bullying, harassment, and intimidation.
They can't leave the guy (Mike) alone. He cleans their clocks and they still insist on bludgeoning themselves against the brick wall.

"My Anytone DONE BY MARK SHERMAN!!! TAP TAP TAP PAY ATTENTION!" is better than a well designed and respected manufacturer that existed long before Sherman and his so-called "tune"

No proof of the claim.
No hard evidence. Just some unverified audio recordings that could have been made any number of ways.

Any opportunity to bring Sherman into a thread on this and other forums that I have visited. Does not matter. It can be an incidental mention of a subject of a tweak and BANG! we have Mark Sherman's shill on that person about how horrible it's going to sound.

Scot.. Rabbi... whatever you want to be called.
It sounds bad. Really it does. And I know you don't care.
It's what you want to sound like and that's okay.
Is it clear? Yeah. But it's actually unpleasant to listen to.
You sound like you are really sick with a cold or your nose is pinched.
There is (in order of worst ever to best)
You > Ben Stein > Roseanne Barr .... and so on.

The whole thing sounds like a sales pitch.
I would like to see the mods actually do something about it.
You cannot contribute to a discussion without berating someone over your "tune" or trying to get business for Sherman.

It's everywhere and it's old.

i was going to point that out. sounds like rp has a clothespin on his nose
I split the single Channel audio from the output of my external speaker into two channels connecting to a stereo Jack on the outside of my external speaker. My stereo recorder plugs directly into my external speaker and record my audio through the radios TalkBack. incoming signal levels are adjusted via volume control on radio, talk back level adjusted via the NOG menu. I got it down to a science.
My AT-6666 sounds identical to this drivers 955.
Drivers name is Mark W. by the way.

You have it down to s science that your radio sounds great because you are making a recording of the talk back? Wow. I wonder what the transmit sounds like? You are killing us. I said I was done reading this but I just can't stop looking at this train wreck. Someone should start a rabidporkchop thread so the bashing can be contained and not bleed over into useful threads.
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You have it down to s science that your radio sounds great because you are making a recording of the talk back? Wow. I wonder what the transmit sounds like? You are killing us. I said I was done reading this but I just can't stop looking at this train wreck. Someone should start a rabidporkchop thread so the bashing can be contained and not bleed over into useful threads.
HAHA. He said "useful thread".
This thread is about "Mail in REPAIRS". Like when a radio breaks and there is no local shop or the local shop can't even fix a ham sandwich. I don't know why Fine Tune was even brought up. I used to like Sherman.... Before Rabid got a hold of him. I have watched all of his videos and thought that he looked pretty good. But he doesn't do repairs. Not anymore. He said so himself. He only works on new exports and only if you buy it from him. So is it possible that this train can be put back on the tracks? Or are we committed to playing with junk?
dont know if anyone told you your modulation sounds horrable. sounds like you have a clospin on your noi
youtube has editing tools so i dont know about such thing as a clear radio

my Yaesu 450d is stock from the factory. i garenty i can hear farther than your 6666 and transmit farther than yours; want me to prove it. come to my city ill

i was going to point that out. sounds like rp has a clothespin on his nose
dont know if anyone told you your modulation sounds horrable. sounds like you have a clospin on your noi

my Yaesu 450d is stock from the factory. i garenty i can hear farther than your 6666 and transmit farther than yours; want me to prove it. come to my city ill

i was going to point that out. sounds like rp has a clothespin on his nose
I didn't hear you criticize the other drivers audio, so I think it's safe to assume you liked it except for when I got in his truck and spoke on it.
I apologize for my shrill voice and the ability for my radio to accurately replicate my voice.
You have it down to s science that your radio sounds great because you are making a recording of the talk back? Wow. I wonder what the transmit sounds like? You are killing us. I said I was done reading this but I just can't stop looking at this train wreck. Someone should start a rabidporkchop thread so the bashing can be contained and not bleed over into useful threads.
That recording wasn't about my transmit audio. Apparently you failed to recognize the other drivers audio which was the whole point and the fact that my AGC circuit did not overload even though we were parked Bumper to Bumper in the same parking lot. You can learn a lot if you pay attention. Notice we switched vehicles so you can hear both voices on both radios and vice versa to compare the TalkBack versus to transmit audio.
That recording wasn't about my transmit audio. Apparently you failed to recognize the other drivers audio which was the whole point and the fact that my AGC circuit did not overload even though we were parked Bumper to Bumper in the same parking lot. You can learn a lot if you pay attention. Notice we switched vehicles so you can hear both voices on both radios and vice versa to compare the TalkBack versus to transmit audio.

When did you switch vehicles? OK the other guys radio sounds good. So this was recorded from both vehicles?
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