But the intentions of the thread was to learn more about radios.
I'll elaborate then.
lowest common denominators are 11m and GMRS/FRS.
This bit is based on numbers alone. There are more blister pack GMRS/FRS and CB radios in existence than any others. There are many 12v sources even if it becomes a stationary bicycle and an alternator. The 460MHZ rice radios are better served with a solar panel/car charger for cell phone. it's just the default option.
Real communication will be HF bands , 160, 80,40 , 20m. There will be stubborn hold outs on 2m and 70cm until the backup power runs dry. The wild card as always is 6m .
Again, it's about numbers. Many general coverage radios exist and most require 12v. They're 120v counterparts won't be as useful but shouldn't be ignored. Aside from the Bonafide Whackadoodles from amateur radio's lunitic fringe, don't discount or ignore the resourcefulness of the community. Okay, even the whackadoodles have their moments, just don't give then the keys to the asylum.
Beyond the numbers there are the bands themselves. Long distance communications are only possible with an extensive relay net or the distances covered by HF radio.
So for my $$ and sense M0NKA, uBitx, uSDX, and/or any QRP general coverage xcvr that is widely community supported.
This is and has been for a while an interesting area of amateur radio. There have been many competing and collaborating projects over the last ten years. All are centered around portability, general coverage, ease of use, flexible power requirements, low current drain, and high efficiency. Any of the above projects deserve a deep dive. I figure if you are interested you won't need links to find them.
a PLL02A or uPD858, MB8719, a few blister back crap radios.
The most frequency agile radios of the 11m class are the PLL02A (SSB and AM) with only manipulation of the binary input coding needed to modify them.
The uPD858 radios are a bit more obscure but their BCD coding is a little different. With the MB8719 radios we're back to binary coding and the 11.1125/11.3258 crystal swap. For more interesting modifications ask a panda.
(for those that haven't been playing along at home for the last few years search the forum for a post I made containing the word panda)
Solar panels until the batteries evaporate ....
I should have said "solar panels OR until the batteries evaporate"
Solar panels need either some type of buffer like a storage battery or farad class capacitor in line with some sort or regulator on the output. Should infrastructure collapse, battery technology becomes a finite resource.
regulation can be found in some wall warts and again in vehicle charging systems. In the end louvers or venetian blinds over the solar panel might be the regulator.
boring you yet ?