Wow I love this site, so active and speedy replies, thanks all, very informative.
As for the guy that said get my ticket, did you see my user name? lol
I am a Tech class Ham and have dabbled in 2m, that's it, but my main interest is in HF and lower starting with 10m. All the interest in RF, radios, antenna theory and electronics started with my first CB when I was 13. With all that had been said about the FCC and 11 meters, I think I will either tune my radio to 25 watts on is own or leave it at 4 and build a 25-35 watt amp, nothing to hot, 4 watts just bugs the crap outta me. Then again paying $15 to have the mod pot tuned to max and getting the power turned up to 25 watts internally is a lot cheaper and faster, but wouldn't I need a higher amperage fuse in the power line?