I don't know if this was directed at me. If it is, than I must explain. I was asked a question and answered it. I pointed out that a license is required. I let him know because I didn't think he had his license. I was right, by the way.
He responded by calling me stupid, first of all. Then he went on to say that he didn't have his license and didn't care he didn't have it. He was just going to transmit anyway. Then proceeded with a paragraph of obscenely harsh ridicule of HAMs and how arrogant "WE" are. My point of the thread was how rude and ridiculous he was. There is no "WE" because I am not a licensed amateur. I just happen to have respect for proper educate. I don't get into the HAM vs. CB debate. I have class and the debate is classless. If you don't have a license to operate on frequencies that require one, than you shouldn't operate there. That is all. I didn't think I deserved the response I got for answering the question, as well as I could. And then trying to look out for him AND amateur operators, by advising him about the required license.
I'm reading this thread, and I have to say quite honestly that I almost regret getting my Ham License.
Yes a few old Hams were long winded about their chosen Hobby. They were proud of it, and rightfully so. These guys built there own radios.
From what I see and hear, and have to be subjected to by Old Ham operators that are still pissed off because I don't know code, and didn't have to learn it, is they really don't want us newbies on their sacred bands.
Jeez! what's up with that. Ya know what? There were a lot of things that people had to go through 60 years ago, that are made easier to accomplish now. You don't see or hear the animosity about that to much.
It's not 1930 anymore. We don't for the most part fix our own radio's. We send them out for repair. Yes I know some of you do, but 90% or more of us don't.
I know CW is used for many things. We learned that in class. I respect that. Do I need to know how to do it ? NO!
I (We) new Operators just want to be able to get on the air and talk without being interrogated on every step of the way. We went to the class, we listened, and learned, and we are doing, or did all the requirements that the U.S. Government has required. Help us out gently. Don't talk down to us, or make us feel like we are outsiders. Can you at least do that?
No hard feelings at all. That is why I clarified instead of just firing shots back . I actually feel the same way. I have rebuked many people who talk down to the inexperienced. That is why it caught me by surprise. I am always picking up for the ones getting dumped on and try real hard to be respectful and lend whatever knowledge I can. I was really trying to be helpful. He sounded like he didn't know much about radios, so I thought I'd save him from a possible fine. People are quick to turn you in when you don't have a license. I figured he didn't know that. Turns out he just didn't care.