well imho i think kits sounds like altenator whine . cause
as your rpm raised the noised increased. now i could be wrong
and probaly am but just my 2 cents. now on the sxpark plugs
boshce [bad spelling ] work great in mopars. on swr 1.5 is good
and normally about what you,ll see from a wilson . i never had much
luck from a trunk mount with wilson.satisfactory grounding at best
plus even wilson says should have coil above the roofline.also
for noise try rerouting the coax a bit.
as your rpm raised the noised increased. now i could be wrong
and probaly am but just my 2 cents. now on the sxpark plugs
boshce [bad spelling ] work great in mopars. on swr 1.5 is good
and normally about what you,ll see from a wilson . i never had much
luck from a trunk mount with wilson.satisfactory grounding at best
plus even wilson says should have coil above the roofline.also
for noise try rerouting the coax a bit.