thats funny, as most of the operators I hear from 27405 to 28000 talk and conduct themselves like ham ops, with made up call numbers, q-signals and all else. Sounds nothing like CB operators. Just face the facts, some hams are bad. Has shit to do with intelligence, and everything to do with ideals of morality and ethics. I know of bad hams with extra class tickets who love to talk just outside of the HF bands. There's another "freeband" down somewhere between 6500-7000 thats quite active. DX is a ham thing, freeband DX is a ham thing.
Some people like being able to speak their mind, while being semi-anonymous, or having a nice quite frequency to use, or their license expired and they dont give a damn to get another one. Or maybe the'yre just sick of all the QRZ type s, wannabe radio cops and unpaid wannabe underlings for the FCC.