Jazzsinger, I didn't intend to make any disparaging remarks about any test you've done or what results you saw that gave you the opinion you hold in this regard. Different guys see different results all the time.
I simply addressed what I saw in light of your claim that a 5/8 wave ground plane would blow an Imax away. I didn't agree with your claim and I didn't get into your business...for how you did what you did to make your determination. I posted the bases for my opinion and I did ask you if you could maybe produce some similar evidence, but that's not happening I'm sure. You made a totally categorical statement, and I disagreed with what you said, simple.
For me at least, this is not personal. We both have a right to our opinions, and I have a right to disagree with your opinion, OK?
That seems fair to me.
Hi Eddie, its deffo not personal with me mate, but when someone states your submitted evidence proves beyond all reasonable doubt that i talk shite, then obviously i will question them if they even know how you achieve those results, as your well aware from our many e mail conversations on such matters i'm very aware of how those results were obtained but i also realise you don't have helpful locals, your health isn't up to allowing for the fast antenna changes that accuracy on this matter requires, not even including for the multitude of things antennas being compared with different (albeit only a few feet) propagation paths or at different heights etc.
i don't doubt for a minute you see what you see, but for someone to rubbish me on your results when i doubt if they are even aware of how you came to them, i find astonishing.
Eddie,my reason for mentioning those methods is obvious, they aren't text book, but it was in no way a snidey swipe at you, i know you do the best you can with your resources and health and i have never ever doubted your integrity.I hope you see it as me being honest and not spiteful, because that was how it was intended and i realise i'm not always the best with the written word and sometimes my passion and enthusiasm overrides my common sense.
to be honest with you Eddie, i ain't one for keeping results, but with 30 years of experience and comparing things i've got a fair grasp of how this sh!t goes down in the field.
for instance i once showed my friend how much of a difference moving a car approx 2 feet can make, we were talking line of sight to northern ireland from glasgow at s5, when he moved it jumped to s8 (approx s levels, was a long time ago), obviously due to multipath fading or a distant blocking obstacle, it could easily have went the opposite way, but would still have equally proven my point, which was to understand how an antenna functions you also have to undestand what happens once the wavefront leaves the antenna and how obstacles,ground conductivity,propagation etc affect that.
you are right we both have a right to our opinions, and we both have different geography and ideas of how to compare, thats what forums are all about, hopefully i will learn from you and you from me, because if we agreed on everything we would both learn FUCK ALL.
best 73 mate.George.