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Wouxun KG-UVD1P Review

And maybe a temporary "lockout" button for busy channels like scanners have? I don't mind antenna talk or pie recipes because that's what we do mostly. But when I'm scanning repeaters I'd sure love to block some busy ones out for a few minutes.

I really hate to sound so picky and I sure hope I'm not sounding negative. They really are terrific H/Ts and for the money you pay and the features you get, the available accessories, there probably isn't a better buy out there. I sure do love mine and it's pretty much a constant companion now.

I really have to thank you for your reviews that kicked off this thread. You have been spot-on with the information and your expertise is so valuable. I'd picked the little Wouxun before I read your entries (I stumbled into this forum site a little late!) and a friend of mine with a handful of them was responsible and talked me through the programming via laptop. The rest I learned by just spending time with it.
about that Wouxon flashlight and why no clock?

Okay. No laughter please. No smirks. No mental inquest warrants.

I actually USED the Wouxon HT LED "flashlight" in a pinch one night not long ago. Curiously, it turns off the scan when you use it but that's not a problem. I'll not tease about it again.

But I have to add to the list of things they could include some day, a clock function that could be a push button on the set that would show time on the display. That shouldn't cost over a penny.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Unless you're a HAM of course!"
Wouxun Rainproof Speaker Microphone

There’s no hiding my love for these Wouxun HTs and I keep finding more things about them and more accessories for them so that they just get better and better.

I broke down and got a “Rainproof Speaker Microphone” now and just spent the day playing with it. It is REALLY neat and will be a great addition to the kit!

I got mine from Ed at Wouxun US ( www.wouxun.us ) with whom I’ve enjoyed transacting some radio business. Great company and the prices are right. This cost $19.95 (USD) and Ed charges a whopping TEN CENTS shipping via USPS Priority Mail! Ordered it Friday and got it today.

Others have remarked and it is true – the thing is HEAVILY built – “chunky” – but not all that intrusive. Has a “belt clip” on the back just like the radios. Wouxun does some serious research or surveys and it shows in their attention to detail. F’rinstance – the plug on the cord goes into the mic/speaker/programming jack on the radio. Wouxun wisely orients the plug so that the cord travels UP out of the jack and those of us who carry the radio on our belt or in a fanny pack or backpack will appreciate that. I drove around with it today with the radio in a cup holder in my console and the speaker mic clipped onto my shoulder belt near my face. It was hard to notice it. Made for a nice “hands free” experience. (Yeah – ya do gotta manipulate the volume knob and program knob – this ain’t a full remote thingie.) Try to be careful positioning it because those airbags DO deploy with some wicked force!

The cord is coiled and very flexible – not too long to be a hassle. Letting the radio sit in the console, connected to the mobile antenna cable, it puts no strain on that goofy SMA antenna jack!

The speaker sounds just great – really clear and better than the radio’s. People who listened to my transmissions say it sounds great too – really clear – so that’s a go. Sadly, there is no volume control on the mic but that hasn’t disappointed me yet. The VOX DOES work with it! VERY well! That requires some caution from me while driving since I am very conscientious about thanking other drivers for their amazing courtesy and safety! I’m about half-deaf from loud bangs and booms in days gone by when there was no time for ear protection. This gizmo REALLY helps. There is even an additional earphone jack on the bottom of the mic right next to the cord and it has a rubber weather seal plug with a “hold on”. I’ll be trying an earbud tomorrow.

They describe this as “rainproof” and the tiny slots and holes may make it so. I won’t try dropping it into a bucket of water for a test. It may not have held up in NC this past weekend. Some members have mentioned using an HT while hunting, and I’m betting the speaker mic with an earbud would work nicely. Put the radio in a Ziploc or a commercial radio weather bag with the speaker mic running out, tape the bag well shut and that should suffice for protection. (Long transmissions could make for some heat buildup in a bag so beware that.) Might not want to use VOX since the sound of a shot might be unnerving for listeners!

Anyway, it’s a useful tool you may want to try and it will go nicely into the “BOB”, for a, um, “rainy day”. I’ll use mine a lot more than that I think.

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