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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
So I am personally looking for a CPI CP2000 and accessories. It a radio I always wanted and I’ve decided to final look for one. If you have one or accessories you might want to sell let’s chat.

OH, STONER radios are always welcome also!

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Stoners were just all hype.
Indeed they were. There were lots of over-hyped radios back in the day. Take DAK's for example.......they sure look cool with the giant meters and all, but inside it's just another cybernet chassis with an 02A chip and a mediocre tube amp on the output. For half the cost of one you could buy a really good used ham rig and have a way better radio !
The CPI radio was a good idea. Not enough of them were made to get the designs past the "field test" stage. Tweaks were necessary to achieve proper performance, best I remember. The Stoner radios had the same sorts of issue, a good idea not fully developed.

Radios built and sold in the hundreds of thousands or more tend to perform better and be more reliable.

But hey, people still drive english sports cars. It's all in what you like.

Just say this on fleaBay and thought of this thread. Not too sure about the stealth paint job but the seller says he has more coming.

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Just say this on fleaBay and thought of this thread. Not too sure about the stealth paint job but the seller says he has more coming.

Thanks, ya not a fan of the black case, thanks for sharing!
That looks really sharp in black ! I've never seen a black one before ! I actually like it better than the normal cream colored case........ I've never been a big fan of white or cream colored radio gear.
That looks really sharp in black ! I've never seen a black one before ! I actually like it better than the normal cream colored case........ I've never been a big fan of white or cream colored radio gear.
I'm so used to the light colors on the CPI's that seeing it in black is kind of jarring. I can understand why someone might do it, and it does look better than something that has a bunch of scratches all over it. Reminds me of an all black Madison someone was selling a few years ago.

In any case it's a deal for a working collectible radio at the moment. May not be that way when the auction ends.
Email me using ad@cdn.info if your still looking ... my dad put his into storage after he lost his hearing back around 2020. He was an electronics technician so understood it in a way most did not and really loved it. Used it with a Moonraker antenna which remained solidly mounted in cement at the house. Collected hundreds of contacts beyond just the Old Codgers as he enjoyed the surprises skip from around the world brought.
Email me using ad@cdn.info if your still looking ... my dad put his into storage after he lost his hearing
That should be an easy sell. Lots of people looking for those CPI radios.
You will want to make sure it works properly on both rx and tx before putting it up for sale. Also helps to give a ballpark price that you hope to get, just so people have some idea of what you want for it...... Good Luck !

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