look at this. The Russians getting on the band wagon too.
My local SOTA mentor is a die hard Yaseu operator. He found even on a mountain top the 817 was not enough power. He found 20 watts is great.The beauty of radios like the G90 is their portability. The 20w output seems more than sufficient with just a resonant inverted V as long as you choose the location. And the portability means you can find the spot that just makes it all happen. For me it is the ocean. In fact a cliff above the ocean to be exact. I am making contact on 20 and 40 meters with stations running a lot more power. Out of the city means the noise levels are way down and the S/N is way up. A lot of folks are using end fed antennas with good results but I prefer a resonant dipole set up as an inverted V. I just feel a resonant antenna will transmit more effectively than any 'tuned' antenna. I also think it helps with keeping the noise down. It is also easy to make, easy to tune and easy to trouble shoot.
I have a 40m and 20 dual band inverted V antenna fed at the top of a 10m fibreglass pole. The wires help guy it and easy to trim to a low SWR. The 20w gets heard way better than my (now deceased) FT817.
How well does the built in antenna tuner work??
Anyone know what it's limits are? Like 5:1 3:1 10:1?
Will it tune an endfed?
Almost useless in my opinion.I find the G90's screen just a tad overcrowded.