I have a Yaesu FT-101E with multiple issues but the battle I'm fighting at the moment is on the receive front. I identified the problem as being associated with the RL-1 relay. After a thourough cleaning I was able to get receive in all modes (no receive in AM and low in CW before) however the minute you key the receiver (for tune-up for instance) the receive drops out in all modes. Powering off and back on does not restore receive. If I disassemble the relay and give it a minor cleaning I can get the receive back. It's gone again though the minute you key up. So, is the relay itself most likely the issue or is something preventing the relay from disengaging? Simply unplugging the relay and plugging it back in doesn't restore receive so my guess is that the relay is shot but I wanted a second opinion before I throw money at a new one. A more technical confirmation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!