hey guys
Say I have been following this post and have some questions.. Possible issues. (?) I have had my 350 for about 3 weeks now and has been working well. Recently though I have not been 'pinging' my aprs as often and have noticed that it is only 'pinging' about 3-5 times during a 20 minuet duration back and forth to work (about 10 miles, long drive though... traffic) I have noticed that others nearby on the google APRS webiste are also 'pinging' just ever so often.
Now back on point; I'm sitting here in my vehicle and my APRS has not shown my station on its 'list' in the past 45 minuets. (I have cleared the list of all previous station info) BUT I do seem to still be 'pinging' on the google APRS website about every 30 mins or when I manually TX.
Granted this is my FIRST real experience with APRS so I am not very educated as far as the settings (such as interval,smart beaconing verse fix, rate limit, decay,low speed , fast rate, slow rate , turn time and other editing functions as the manual is very poor in verbiage and discussion.. generally the overall 'uneducated persons' explanation how these functions work and interact with each other )
My goal is to have myself plot a little more often but my concern is not knowing how one function interacts with another and therefor, ruining either my radio (hope not) or simply frustrating me with the lack of ;know-how;
I have both data and APRS set on the left side of the radio and main frequencies on the left. I have muted the APRS and turned off the ringers. The radio came to me as a version 1.0 without the 1.1 but I have not had any issues with it as described previously in this thread (Knock on wood
And that was kind of dis concerning as why my radio isnt the 1.0. (Maybe the bugs are worked out? Hope I dont have any future issues as they are just 'hiding' on me now)
So again, if you folks could very kindly do a 'run down' on the descriptions of these different functions and how I can understand them and make them work for me. Again, I would really like to see my rig 'pinging' more often to more accurately depict my plots.
**I did hear (maybe read somewhere that the reason why I might not be showing up on my own station list )even when I have deleted myself out of the list) is because my signal has not been RX'ed by a digipeater or another station so I wont see myself pop-up in the list. Any truth to that??**
Thank you for your folks help and guidance. Much appreciated.