what is the little switch inside on the front left corner? ....
its switched to normal but if you flip it it says prG on the circuit board... here comes a photo....:
That's the switch you have to flip to update the firmware.
The FTM-350AR receives in the 108-137 MHz air band range and the 174 to 250MHz range... is there any way to enable transmit in these frequency ranges?
The other 2 "resistors" that are still left after performing the MARS/Cap mod, what happens if they are removed? Does it continue ot open the TX ability of the radio, does the radio explode :tongue: , or does nothing happen? Has anyone tested to see what the results are?
No, the radio won't transmit in the air band or outside of the standard 220Mhz band (222-225Mhz). I did try messing around with the other 2 resistors when I figured out this mod. I don't remember exactly what happened, but I know it wasn't successful. I seem to remember that removing one of them prevented transmit altogether, but I might be thinking of a different radio.
Hope that helps.
hi..It just worked on my end.