The History Of Amateur Radio
THE WAYBACK MACHINE #34 by Bill Continelli, W2XOY
Other legal and regulatory news dominated the Amateur world at the beginning of 1980. The FCC proposed a new SSB only CB Band from 27.410 MHz (just above CB channel 40) to 27.54 MHz. For this new CB allocation, the FCC proposed removing the 155 mile contact limit (thus allowing DX contacts), as well as permitting VFO’s. A non-technical test would be required for access to the CB-SSB band. Reaction, as you might guess, was strong and divided. HF “outbanders” (who worked the “10 1/2” meter band) were in favor--unlike the 220 MHz “Class E CB” proposal a few years back, they could work skip on this new band. Or, should we say it would legitimize their present operations? The ARRL and the Amateur community were strongly opposed. Many letters in QST pointed out the intrusion of the illegal operators on the “10 1/2” meter band into the bottom part of our 10 meter band. In the end, the proposal was abandoned. The “Freebanders” and “Outbanders” continue to operate the 27.41 to 28 MHz segment to this day.