i unsolder the surface mount part and tape it to the inside of the case,
i may want to put it back one day,
clippers are for toenails and cigars
Saving the component is a good idea.
What mod you are doing should be thought about, example
You can mod the IC-7000 for out of band operation AND you can mod it to receive TV on the display.
The TV mod, in my opinion is useless in the United States since TV is digital now.
only one way to do it right. Heat and remove.
Sent from my Incredible.
Ah man I'm hungover......this thread has to do with any HF modifications based on MARS/CAP mods dealing with removing components.
i am NOT doing the TV mod on my IC-7000 no reason to.
as for out of band mod yes that will be done. got to figure out how to remove the component safely.
Sent from Outerspace, on the DarkSide of X.
On one radio I modded, I was putting just a little pressure on the tiny SMT resistor with a very fine point soldering tip, trying to get it to budge just a bit so I could carefully remove it. Much to my surprise, after a few seconds, it just flicked off and went flying across the room never to be seen again, lol. That one's not getting put back.
Note to self: Don't do it like that again!