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Ontario, Canada banning CB's

I'm sorry comrade for hurting your feeling but down here we are turning to a socialist
empire because of these self righteous democrats.i will send Cartman up there for
peace offering.
Sometimes, it really helps if you know a little about what you are talking about before you embarrass the rest of us.
- 'Doc

Sometimes you have to think for yourself man.can't just accept what they
shove in your throat.
I'm sorry comrade for hurting your feeling but down here we are turning to a socialist
empire because of these self righteous democrats.i will send Cartman up there for
peace offering.

Oh God NO! You can keep Cartman. :laugh: We are no different really. I get pissed when someone makes a broad sweeping derogatory comment like you did about my country just as I am sure you would if it were reversed. I don't hold grudges but I do get my digs in and move one.(y)
first ontario makes you govern your truck than they take your radio....are they mad cause no one will back them in breaking away to form their own country like they want....i say fuck 'em...i for one will now boycott ontario...i ain't goin' there
Sometimes, it really helps if you know a little about what you are talking about before you embarrass the rest of us.
- 'Doc

first ontario makes you govern your truck than they take your radio....are they mad cause no one will back them in breaking away to form their own country like they want....i say fuck 'em...i for one will now boycott ontario...i ain't goin' there

Hey Mort, see Doc's quote above yours? You should follow his advice. :D FIRST, Ontario is not actually TAKING anyone's radio. They are just making it quite hard to have one in the mobile and are pushing for replacements. Secondly, if Ontario is wanting to break away and form their own country it's news to me and the rest of the country/world. You are thinking about Quebec. I thought EVERYONE knew that. ;)
They would look even moreso without them. :D

Second thought,which pants? The jodhpurs? I agree with that. The regular pants are fine but those jodhpurs,thankfully, are just part of the dress uniform.


What were they thinking?!?
Any country that makes their police wear this get-up and call them the 'mounted police' has to be a bit tyrannical!

Yep, those are jodhpurs all right. They are part of the traditional uniform the mounties wore back in 1873 when they actually were mounted police and now only worn for dress on special occasions. BTW mack, the term "mounted" pertains to being on a horse in this case. :D I had to say it before you did.

This the everyday uniform they wear on duty.

... reminds me of the one about the 'Noofy' who went to the taxidermist. Heard they had a mounted policeman...
Yep, those are jodhpurs all right. They are part of the traditional uniform the mounties wore back in 1873 when they actually were mounted police and now only worn for dress on special occasions. BTW mack, the term "mounted" pertains to being on a horse in this case. :D I had to say it before you did.

This the everyday uniform they wear on duty.


They just don't look that friendly. Those guys must be models or something....I've never seen RCMP's that look that friendly.
They just don't look that friendly. Those guys must be models or something....I've never seen RCMP's that look that friendly.

LOL, you know I was thinking that as well. I have seen many that were friendly,worked with a few too, but somehow these guys just don't look the part.The guy on the right is standing too straight with his chest puffed out a bit and the guy on the left has a "hurry up and take the damn picture" look on his face. :laugh:
And what's worse is when I see cops going down the freeway and checking their computer / laptop as they drive even tho there is a law here to ban "texting". Cops have admitted that they have no way of enforcing the "no texting" ban unless someone turns them in.
And what's worse is when I see cops going down the freeway and checking their computer / laptop as they drive even tho there is a law here to ban "texting". Cops have admitted that they have no way of enforcing the "no texting" ban unless someone turns them in.

Police officers have the privilege to be above the written laws of the road. They can only do so when it is called for. (wuz a sheriff trainee years ago...)

I was beginning to think that they had weird shaped legs to wear those pants they wear. I know that American Cavalry used to have them - back in the day when the US still had a cavalry.

I'm sure that there must of been some kind out outcry to this anti-CB proposal.
Any articles that point that out?

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