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Its only going to do what its supposed to do which is what your seeing when driving it and running it the way it supposed to be run. Pushing more power in will give more output but make it dirty and eventually kill the amplifier.

You can also raise the voltage if running it off a power supply in a base setup adjusting the power supply voltage to 14.2 -14.5 volts will give alittle more power output. All in all if more power is needed or wanted then a bigger amplifier should be purchased but remember when that is done you will also need a bigger power source (more amperage) to run it.

Dont fall into the trap of buying more than a 4 transistor because its hard on a vehicles charging system and that many transistors is all you should need because the guy listening on the other end is never going to hear the difference between 4 or 6 transistors.
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Buy a bigger one...

Having more watts isn't nearly as important as having the best antenna you can afford. You can run a beam antenna legally if you want; but better to get a 5/8 wave antenna like the Maco V58, Workman W58, Imax 2000, or even the new Sirio Gain Master..

You also want to get more power out of your radio; but have you given any thought to the quality of the transmit sound? If you use a 250 watt linear, you will get out nearly as well as using a 500 watt linear. A stock radio like the 959 will work fine into a linear - rather than try to pump up the radio and make it sound distorted and nasty. Usaually, guys will turn the radio output down a tad so that they don't overdrive the input of the amp. A clean sounding station is better than one that is dirty sounding; would you agree?
right now i have a stock galaxy 959 and palomar 250 with a wilson 5000 in my truck and i would like to push more watts with out buying anything should i get my radio clipped so it aill swing all the way or what
right now i have a stock galaxy 959 and palomar 250 with a wilson 5000 in my truck and i would like to push more watts with out buying anything should i get my radio clipped so it aill swing all the way or what

Clipping the limiter in the radio will often degrade the audio quality.
So long as everything you have is set up correctly; it should be just fine as it is.
I use a 40 watt radio and a Wilson 1000 in my car and can talk all over the US - including Hawaii and Alaska when conditions are in. I see no reason why you can't be doing the same or better with what you already have.

If you want to get out farther, then run a base station with an antenna tha provides some real 'gain'. Like the ones I already mentioned . . .
should i do anything to the radio

Just make sure that you run some braided wire from the linear to the radio and then to the frame to ensure that it is all grounded together. It's just a good idea to be sure of a solid ground.

I would want to make sure that I am not overdriving the linear. Some linears take more power to operate than other do. What model/make is it?
Short and sweet, no, there isn't anything simple you can do to your radio to increase it's power output without a lot of trouble. Sure, you might get a watt or two more out of it, but that small increase won't make any difference. The same thing holds true for an amplifier. To make even 1/2 an 'S' units difference you have to double the output power. For a single 'S' unit, that means four times the starting power. I think you can see where that get's to be sort of huge before very long, right? Wanna do it anyway? Knock your self out! But you're wasting your time and money. Spend that money on a better antenna, it'll go a lot further (pun intended).
- 'Doc
Buy a bigger amp.

Do not clip your limiter.

Make sure you're not overdriving the amp.

Want to see a real TX power increase?

Switch the Wilson 5000 for a 102" whip. No lossy loading coils to lose your precious RF energy into heat!
how can i make my linear push more watts?

Buy a bigger amp.

driving more into your 250 will just make it run hotter and harder, and live a shorter life.

i had a guy tell me i need to volt my radio it would make more watts is that true?
Yes, (depending on what radio) it will make a few more watts, and it also will push the radio closer to the failure point.
You can hot rod almost anything but it is not always the answer.
A 102" whip will help increase your signal, as long as you have a place to mount it....what kind of car/truck are you running it on?
Are you running a power Mic?
Has the radio been aligned/tuned properly?
I also agree with Tony, for the average user a 4 transistor Amp is the Limit you can run with out encountering problems associated RF getting into things, needing more current and so on. If you are looking for more range, SSB might be a good choice.
What are your goal`s?

Buy a bigger amp.

Do not clip your limiter.

Make sure you're not overdriving the amp.

Want to see a real TX power increase?

Switch the Wilson 5000 for a 102" whip. No lossy loading coils to lose your precious RF energy into heat!

A 9' steel whip won't necessarily be an improvement over a Wilson 5000. Most if not all people mount Wilsons on the roof and not too many mount steel whips on the roof.
The roof is by far the best place for an antenna and unless the whip is mounted on the roof the Wilsons will, most of the time, outperform a steel whip.
A steel whip on the roof will certainly beat a wilson 5000 but you will be clobbering just about everything above the road.
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