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1st DX contact in 10+ years

Charlie Brown

Dec 18, 2010
I am so excited !! I made my first DX contact in 10 + years !!! I been out of CB for a long time.. Just put up an IMAX on Xmas eve. I heard 103 out of Toranto on 38 LSB. I broke him and he came back to be for a brief moment ! We made the contact !! I was running a Washington base and an IMAX barefoot. The iMAX is about 40FT high. I was pretty proud! :bdh:

I had an aA99 up in the air for about 7 yrs without bothering to turn it on. Turned it on one day and broke for skip. They came back and I was back on the air for good. It is great fun.

I usually stay off for a bit...
then i get on to try some skip...and bang..i am back on the radio for awhile..
I know how you feel. I got my old cobra 148gtl out of storage today and hooked it up to a dipole about 20 feet to the feedpoint and made contacts in Kentucky, Illinois, and Tennessee within a matter of minutes, man that was fun.
Quoted for truth! I had radio equipment stashed in my parent's attic for the longest time. I also had a wire dipole I never used. My parents went on vacation for two weeks so I stayed in their home to take care of my grandmother. I had nothing to do so I setup the radio, caught some skip and I've spent over 1000 dollars in new equipment in under 2 months. :whistle:


I usually stay off for a bit...
then i get on to try some skip...and bang..i am back on the radio for awhile..
Quoted for truth! I had radio equipment stashed in my parent's attic for the longest time. I also had a wire dipole I never used. My parents went on vacation for two weeks so I stayed in their home to take care of my grandmother. I had nothing to do so I setup the radio, caught some skip and I've spent over 1000 dollars in new equipment in under 2 months. :whistle:

I think i'm gonna end up doing the same thing !!:blushing:

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