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I need a place to hide.....

Captain Kilowatt

Professional Amateur
Staff member
Apr 6, 2005
Nova Scotia,Canada
:oops:Like I said, I need a place to hide for a while if/when the wife finds out what I just ordered. :whistle: I was looking through the latest issue of The Canadian Amateur magazine and saw an ad from Macfarlanes Electronics. Harold Macfarlane is who I bought the Trylon tower from last fall. He had a price of $239 for the Cushcraft 13B2 which seem really low so I emailed him about it and stated if it was true to send me two of them. He replied that it was indeed a typo and the fault of the publisher but agreed to meet me halfway if I bought two. If I bought one at the sale price of $299 he would let me have the second one for the wrong price of $239. I now have a pair of 13B2's on order. :D I will make my own stacking boom and phasing harness as it is FAR cheaper. Now the wife gets to see a pair of stacked 15 foot booms and a 10 foot stacking boom at the top instead of a single 12 foot boom from the old antenna.Once everything is on the tower I may need a place to lay low for a while. :cry:
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Mothers Day is this weekend, I suggest that you find something nice...very very nice.......
Start groveling early so she will think you are such a kind a understanding husband by the time it gets up there.

One word.


Tell her they made a mistake and sent 2 and told you to keep the second one because they didn't want to eat the freight.

Best of luck in hiding out. They could be like every piece of expensive radio equipment I own - everything seems to be priced at "about a hun-erd and fifty"
LMAO!! If I dont stop it either you may have to find a 2 bedroom the extra room for a roomate!!! LMAO!!
Hiding in plain sight is best.

Get it rigged and don't say anything.
When she notices ask her where she's been, "that's been up for a while" and stick to the story.

If that doesn't work remember,
Asking for forgiveness is easier than asking for permission.

This whole affair is worthless without before and after pics.

Mothers Day is this weekend, I suggest that you find something nice...very very nice.......
Start groveling early so she will think you are such a kind a understanding husband by the time it gets up there.


She's smart. She will know that something is coming up and she already knows I have been looking into them with Harold.

One word.


Tell her they made a mistake and sent 2 and told you to keep the second one because they didn't want to eat the freight.


That won't work. I used something similar to that in the past. It didn't work then either. :cry:

Best of luck in hiding out. They could be like every piece of expensive radio equipment I own - everything seems to be priced at "about a hun-erd and fifty"

That's not a half bad idea. Hmmmm....."The antennas were a GREAT price but the shipping was a real bitch." sounds good. ;)

LMAO!! If I dont stop it either you may have to find a 2 bedroom the extra room for a roomate!!! LMAO!!

At least I"ll have company. Misery loves company.

sounds like you bought her a nice mothers day present to me..lol

I may have to put in a good effort tomorrow on that Mother's day thing..

Hiding in plain sight is best.

Get it rigged and don't say anything.
When she notices ask her where she's been, "that's been up for a while" and stick to the story.

If that doesn't work remember,
Asking for forgiveness is easier than asking for permission.

This whole affair is worthless without before and after pics.


Won't work at all. The tower is naked at the moment and has been since last fall. Pretty hard to convince her of that one although it has worked in the past with a few items on the operating desk in the shack. Little things just mysteriously appear out of "my stuff I have stashed away". :D
Build a Very nice Dog house with Air and a wet Bar......you are gonna need it.


Now THAT is a good idea and coincidentally going to happen this summer. I am getting rid of the old wood shed and making a new storage shed in the back yard which will incorporate a dog kennel in one end. I may have to build in a few "extras" for the dog. :D
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Wow, a phased pair of 13B2's. That's going to have some serious gain!

Yeah, one is speced at 15.8 dBd according to Cushcraft so a pair will theoretically yield 18.8 dBd. I figure even with 18 dBd that is a gain of 64 times. Feedline is LDF4-50 heliax with Beldin 8214 on each end for flexibility.Transmitter power to start off with will only be 50 watts pep however I think I just decided what to do with the pair of 4CX250B's and sockets I have. :D That will be a while down the road for sure but I have no need for them on 6m which was my original plan as I now have the Larcan 1 Kw+ amp for that band.(y)
:oops:Like I said, I need a place to hide for a while if/when the wife finds out what I just ordered. :whistle: :cry:

Hide at the jewelry store. Hide at the flower store. Hide at the chocolate store. If you can send her mother flowers on mother's day also.

DO NOT even think about hiding at the lingerie store (forget about that for a while).

On the other hand when you get out of the dog house and stop groveling you will have a BIG signal in what ever direction you point that stack in.
Grow a pair and be the man, we dominate, we buy what we want, we eat what we want! End of story.

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