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Galaxy 95T and TS667 issues

I have never liked doing mods to radio's like a 95T where you turn off the amplifier section, defeates the whole purpose of a high powered radio. Anyone that runs an RCI 2970/Galaxy 95T/ Galaxy 98 that wants to run an amplifier must buy an amp big enough to handle the power the radio dishes out.

If the Galaxy 95T is your radio you will run then I would sell the Texas Star 667 and buy this amplifier.

TNT 1200HD

I am also not a fan of messing with a 667 to turn it into a straight 4 pill. Once again the solution is sell the amp and buy a Texas Star 500v. Even at that though a 95T is still way too strong for a Texas Star 500. You have to way de-tune the radio to make it work. Why buy a hotrod radio like a 95T only to de-tune it so you can run a smaller amp with it. Makes no sense.

You don't have to detune it or run a big amp like the 1200. First, sell the 667. You can buy a Texas Star DX500, send your radio to DTB and tell him to set the radio up for that amp. With your variable power on low you'll be dead keying about 1.5W. When you turn off the amp and turn your variable power up it will act like its normal self. That is what I did with mine. I have a 95t2 matched with a TNT 600HD. It isn't a Texas Star 500, but it uses the same 2879s. My Galaxy is set so I can turn the variable power down to 1.5W on low power for the amp. When I turn the variable power back up, I Dead key 35W and peak out at about 140W. It works just fine.
" You don't have to detune it or run a big amp like the 1200 "

Correct, I never said he had to for that amp. As long as the carrier is at or below 25 watts the TnT 1200 will rock with a 95T.

You are correct, a TnT 600 will work as long as you are careful with the variable power on the Galaxy 95T.

The only way a Texas Star 500 would work is if you had someone like DTB set the radio up so as not to overdrive the amp.
it should already be doing ~16w out of the 2sc1969 final. 1 1/2w peak is what the driver does.

That Schematic is old.
It has no dual finals in it, more likely a single IRF520, on a board that was intended for Two IRF520`s
It is just a bad deal, whoever sold you the amp should have know better than to sell you a 1x4.

If it was me....I would undo the Mod on the radio, sell the 667V, and put the money towards the 6 or 8 transistor biased amp.
That`s me.
I would not run a radio with 2 2290`s into 4 2879`s, again, that is just my opinion.
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Because your electrical system is not going to handle more than a 5 pill without work you probably don't want to do, I think I'd recommend selling the radio and getting something more appropriate for your amp.

While you could bypass the driver in the 667, you'll still have other issues because the attenuation resistors they use on the input of this amp to control the power stages would also have to be bypassed to take the drive we are talking about.

You're not going to be happy trying to make the radio work without its internal amp. You already know this radio does not perform like all other single final radios because the circuit was designed to work with two. As such, the impedances are matched much lower than what is required for one.

They didn't fix this problem at the factory because crippling the radios output was the whole idea to drive the internal amp. It will also not be easy to just add the second final. Matching the existing parts is not likely and two new transistors with associated caps should be installed in this case.
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Dude, don't sell your radio. The Galaxy 95t/95t2 is probably the best radio that Galaxy has made. They don't make them anymore, and they are getting hard to come by. That is a nice radio. I will probably be buried with mine. Undo the mod that disabled the 2290s and have your low power setting dropped. You will be fine. My TNT 600 with my radio dead keys 125W and swings to 500W. I could run it harder but I want sound good and have my stuff last.

I see that you have listed your 667 in the swapshop. Good idea.
Because your electrical system is not going to handle more than a 5 pill without work you probably don't want to do, I think I'd recommend selling the radio and getting something more appropriate for your amp.

While you could bypass the driver in the 667, you'll still have other issues because the attenuation resistors they use on the input of this amp to control the power stages would also have to be bypassed to take the drive we are talking about.

You're not going to be happy trying to make the radio work without its internal amp. You already know this radio does not perform like all other single final radios because the circuit was designed to work with two. As such, the impedances are matched much lower than what is required for one.

They didn't fix this problem at the factory because crippling the radios output was the whole idea to drive the internal amp. It will also not be easy to just add the second final. Matching the existing parts is not likely and two new transistors with associated caps should be installed in this case.

Maybe its time for me to look into a new radio..... Its just hard to find one that i like that will do all of the same things my 95T does, and no i dont want a 2950. Just something aesthetically about the radio that i dont like.

ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS?!??!?! Hey Shock maybe ill swap radios with my buddy i just bought the 979 for that night we tested it, did it seem to drive the amp well? It seemed to pull my alt down like a s.o.b so i guess it was crankin out some horsepower. And when i was using it at home i felt a decent amount of heat at the base of the whip. Not too hot to touch, but was definitely warmer than it was outside haha.

The only other thing that i really need is a radio that will get on 27.555, (which with minor modification the DX979 will do) and has a six digit frequency counter (which i can get that will plug into the back of the radio) which i need only minor modification to do so.
Umm; the 979 would probably work. But you will be at the short end of the stick trading a 95T for it.

I used to have a 95T2 and thought it was a fine radio. 200 watts is still a LOT of power if used right.
I have never liked doing mods to radio's like a 95T where you turn off the amplifier section, defeates the whole purpose of a high powered radio. Anyone that runs an RCI 2970/Galaxy 95T/ Galaxy 98 that wants to run an amplifier must buy an amp big enough to handle the power the radio dishes out.

If the Galaxy 95T is your radio you will run then I would sell the Texas Star 667 and buy this amplifier.

TNT 1200HD

I am also not a fan of messing with a 667 to turn it into a straight 4 pill. Once again the solution is sell the amp and buy a Texas Star 500v. Even at that though a 95T is still way too strong for a Texas Star 500. You have to way de-tune the radio to make it work. Why buy a hotrod radio like a 95T only to de-tune it so you can run a smaller amp with it. Makes no sense.

The TNT 1200 would be a great amp for that radio. I just cant foot the bill for it right now, if I could that was an amp that I was seriously considering, mainly due to the fact, that I wouldn't have to worry about even bothering modifying my radio at all. Just turn the variable down and let her rip.

Plus my vehicles charging system is no where near capable of that kind of draw on the stock system. I would need a large battery in the trunk, plus having to go through the hassle of wiring 2 or 4 gauge wire all the way to the trunk. We'll see how it goes, maybe I'll just retire the 95T to the base and get something with a single final in my mobile so I can just drive the box the right way without having to make large modifications.....:)
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find a older kenwood like ts450s or a yaesu ft101 or anything like taht and find a good used amp like a dentron gla100 or fl2100b and you will be fine,for the money you are spending get the better stuff for the same money...
I don't think I've talked to many folks who have had a 95t that didn't regret when they sold it. I'd dump the amp before I sold the radio. I think the 667 isn't consistent with Texas Star's reputation for quality audio on AM and SSB. It is basically a DX500 that is internally overdriven. Sure it (667) puts out higher wattage than the 500, but it doesn't sound as good.

I'd wager that if you put the radio and the amp for sale. The radio won't last long. You'll sell it quickly unless you ask a ridiculous amount of money. I doubt the amp will sell as quick. There is a reason the 95ts don't last long when they are for sale.
I have decided on a new radio. I'm gonna go with the superstar 158edx
Always wanted one now I have the perfect amp to match it. I'll keep you all updated on how that goes. Also will be purchasing a Dosy mobile watt meter to make sure everything is working the way it should. By the way if anyone has one for sale pm me please
I have decided on a new radio. I'm gonna go with the superstar 158edx
Always wanted one now I have the perfect amp to match it. I'll keep you all updated on how that goes. Also will be purchasing a Dosy mobile watt meter to make sure everything is working the way it should. By the way if anyone has one for sale pm me please

That radio is a dual final radio.
Ranger RCI Superstar SS-158EDX Review

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