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Uniden Washington help


Mar 3, 2012
I recently picked up a Uniden Washington that seems to work fine, other than a popping noise that occurs over the speaker anytime a switch is used. It's heard when the channel is switched, but seems loudest when the knob is turned between am, lsb, and usb. Also when the unit is turned on. It still occurs when the volume is turned down. Any ideas? Thanks much!

Cleaners like Deoxit, Deoxit/Gold, or PureElectronics will work wonders on old radios that are in a state of needing a lot of TLC. Cleaning the switches is going to be much harder to do, the volume/clarifier/etc will be the easiest. Besides replacing all of the electrolytic caps, cleaning the rig, unsticking old meter movements, and aligning, cleaning switches and control pots are essential to put any old radio back on track.
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Oh man, 399 you aren't kidding about the smoker deal! I do smoke, but never inside or even in my vehicles. A local I know smokes a lot and smokes in the house. I made the mistake of loaning him my kenwood ts140s!! Will NEVER do that again!! I had to leave the radio sit out on my back porch, (Florida room screen only), for over a damn week before I could bring it back in and I also had to blow it out as well before bringing it back inside my house. Needless to say, even after just being over there for a couple months it was filthy and smelled like total sh**!! Excuse my language, but it was bad!!
Home Depot sells the products you are looking for IronGuts, located in the electrical isle under the grounding clamps and such, or around that general area anyway. That is where ite located at my Home Depot anyway. That or even Walmart or Lowes. Good luck and take your time cleaning it, the more effort you put in the better it will look. To an extent that is! Be safe and have a good one!
I recently picked up a Uniden Washington that seems to work fine, other than a popping noise that occurs over the speaker anytime a switch is used. It's heard when the channel is switched, but seems loudest when the knob is turned between am, lsb, and usb. Also when the unit is turned on. It still occurs when the volume is turned down. Any ideas? Thanks much!
My (uniden) Washington and Madison both make that poping sound when changing channels and mode. It comes through the speaker. I don't think this is an issue. I think it's the way these rigs operate. I could be wrong. I'm hoping others weigh in as I'm curious if that happens to all the madisons and Washington?
just saw this thread and thought, "yeah, they do all seem to do that to some extent."

so i was looking at the schematic, and saw something that might just work to fix it.


There is a 10uF capacitor that comes off of pin 5 of the voltage regulator (MB3756)
which is labeled C133.
I would think that if this capacitor were reduced in value to say, 1uf, that could cure the popping sound when unkeying the mic.
you may need to go even lower than that, but i would start with 1uf and see what that got me.

you will not mess your radio up by trying it. well, unless you put the cap in backwards i guess.

I have too many other irons in the fire right now to try this out, so if someone else wants to try it, please post back with your results.

as for the mode switching, well that one is a bit more complicated, and i havent come up with anything for that yet.
Hello, has anyone out here ever, or know of, anyone who has separated the nb and anl from the single push button switch to make them operate separately?

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Hello, has anyone out here ever, or know of, anyone who has separated the nb and anl from the single push button switch to make them operate separately?

i've never done it but it would not be too difficult for someone who wanted to do it.

use this schematic for reference:

D24 is the ANL diode in this chassis, and basically the way the circuit works is that with the ANL on, D24 is in series with the circuit. when the ANL is switched off, D24 is shorted out and replaced with a capacitor, C93.

so you could trace the wires back from the ANL/NB switch, and find the one that goes to the anode of D24, and the one that goes to one side of C93.
pull those wires off of the back of the switch, and put them on their own switch.

or you could permanently short them together to keep the ANL OFF.
you could also just insulate the ends of the wires, leave them separate, and that would leave the ANL ON all the time.
i've never done it but it would not be too difficult for someone who wanted to do it.

use this schematic for reference:

D24 is the ANL diode in this chassis, and basically the way the circuit works is that with the ANL on, D24 is in series with the circuit. when the ANL is switched off, D24 is shorted out and replaced with a capacitor, C93.

so you could trace the wires back from the ANL/NB switch, and find the one that goes to the anode of D24, and the one that goes to one side of C93.
pull those wires off of the back of the switch, and put them on their own switch.

or you could permanently short them together to keep the ANL OFF.
you could also just insulate the ends of the wires, leave them separate, and that would leave the ANL ON all the time.

Thank you for the response, sounds like the way to go.

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