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Good mike for SSB use on a RCI 2995?

this has nothing to do with hate or race, where did that come from ?
anyways, no hard feelings
all is forgiven, may god be with you.
and i thought that picture of a conolli was very amusing, im still laughing,
i do appreciate any info i did receive and will attempt the mod myself , will let you know how it works out,
by the way, im not italian lol
im just very spacific and detailed when it comes to trying to learn about new things.
i was born with a disability so, it does take me longer to learn .
at least im trying to better my life by doing something productive rather then giving up.
thanks again for all your help
please have a nice day

I don't believe a word of this and I do not believe in your GOD but do believe you are prejudice .

Gonna do this mod myself, I just have to get the 2 med pot. The local rat shack doesn't have one. But, i have a decade box, so i may just adjust it till I find my sound, and put a fixed value in there.
Whilst searching for d104 mods, I stumbled and fell down this rabbit hole..... :confused:
Yup! Had to do it myself......I'll just go ask Alice when she's ten feet tall.

Got me a Silver Eagle and looking for mods. Friend of mine claims to just adding a resistor, but he screwed my old D104 I sold him years ago.

Jesse James Dallas posted one in another thread. A hifi mic insert kit. Figure since I have a spare D104 head could do.

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