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Weak solar cycles = another big decline of the 11 meter local & DX population

No skip, no fun.
On all bands.

I don't like the rarity of propagation on any band.
What's the point of a radio if I can ride a bicycle over to talk to someone?
That's one reason 75m is one of my least favorite bands. Same old fellas everyday giving exhaustive 20 minute dialogues. Get tired of hearing them say, "I'm running 800 watts ..." everyday to the same two people the said that to yesterday.
I talk to locals all the time, 11m, 2m some 70cm, they are all active daily, but, that gets like donuts, I like them, but in limited quantity.
DX rules.
The gospel according to Homer.
Homer 1:1
It’s the rarity that drives me. If it was easy then it wouldn’t be fun.

Ive been trying to work a friend in Germany forever. Yesterday morning while driving to the store there he was in my RX. Totally unexpected...shocked us both.

But that’s not soradic e...sp e drives me bonkers at times. The other day I was in a nice QSO with N Ireland. Great conditions. Perfect. And every time the other operator transmits, some jerk out of Boston is trying to reach me. Asked him to standby several times, he didn’t care.

Well, I don’t care about talking to Boston, except for friends. And if you are my friend, you know wait till I’m done with a relatively rare contact. This obsessive keying over everyone is stupid.
I know what you mean.
OTOH, maybe 11m should be a bit more like ham bands where only a contest, or special event, or net checkin result in a sense of a mass amateur interest in the hobby.
Admittedly, 11m operators have but one small band within which to work, and it gets crowded, yet, they seem far more interested in it than hams.
If you want plenty of space and plenty of room to make a long distance contact then Amateur radio should be exactly what you're looking first. The hams are leaving a lot unused....
Admittedly, 11m operators have but one small band within which to work, and it gets crowded, yet, they seem far more interested in it than hams.

It just the slobber all over everyone mentality that gets my goat. Such as above...the Boston op was more concerned with hearing his name called over 500 miles of sporadic E than the 3500 mile QSO already in progress. He was calling me like his ass was on fire and I was his only chance at survival. If I said he called me 20 times, I’d probably be underestimating.

It gets old. Burns me out on sporadic E...and very quickly.
Sporadic E propagation is what I am referring to.

Specifically, I think it’d be fun on 6 meters. Don’t care too much about HF, but I think I’d enjoy the relative rarity and unique qualities of 6 meters.

I Love it & I have talked to South Dakota,Kansas,Canada,Colorado,Puerto Rico,Cuba & many other distant places on 2 meter SSB over the years & it's a Blast.Some people think that 2 meters is just for repeaters & local talking & have No Clue.I live in North Florida in EM80 & it's a long way to all of those places on 2 meters for sure.Those were NOT by a Satellite just direct QSO's on SSB & the Colorado was 2 meter FM Simplex. LOL I have 49 states Confirmed on 6 meters & I have not counted the countries but I have a whole bunch including (3) ZL's in one night. {:>)

No skip, no fun.
On all bands.

I don't like the rarity of propagation on any band.
What's the point of a radio if I can ride a bicycle over to talk to someone?
That's one reason 75m is one of my least favorite bands. Same old fellas everyday giving exhaustive 20 minute dialogues. Get tired of hearing them say, "I'm running 800 watts ..." everyday to the same two people the said that to yesterday.
I talk to locals all the time, 11m, 2m some 70cm, they are all active daily, but, that gets like donuts, I like them, but in limited quantity.
DX rules.
The gospel according to Homer.
Homer 1:1

40 meters is Perfect then because you have locals in the daytime & DX at night.60 meters is pretty much the same way.

No skip, no fun.
On all bands.

I don't like the rarity of propagation on any band.
What's the point of a radio if I can ride a bicycle over to talk to someone?
That's one reason 75m is one of my least favorite bands. Same old fellas everyday giving exhaustive 20 minute dialogues. Get tired of hearing them say, "I'm running 800 watts ..." everyday to the same two people the said that to yesterday.
I talk to locals all the time, 11m, 2m some 70cm, they are all active daily, but, that gets like donuts, I like them, but in limited quantity.
DX rules.
The gospel according to Homer.
Homer 1:1

“The congregation will now rise. Turn to page 81 of your hymnal, “What an Elmer We Have in Homer”.

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