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11 meter is very quiet?

Finally got Kenya just now.
Congratulations on Kenya!

I heard him a couple days ago just above the noise floor and with a big pileup of stations trying to work him. Heard 118 division the same day also very weak. Hoping my chance will come........

Africa is by far and away the hardest continent to work from the West Coast of Canada. I have talked to several South African stations over the years, and have worked the island nations off the northwest coast (Azores, Canarias & Madeira) many times, but that's it for Africa.
Not sure ! The site is based out of Europe so it may just take until morning their time before they send the confirmation email........

Good conditions this afternoon here; just talked to Slava 302SD200 on Sakhalin Island, Asiatic Russia.
The band was mediocre again today but still managed to work a few stations throughout. The pleasant surprise was a short qso with Double Zero (00) New Zealand from the mobile, pretty stoked.
Was also glad to know that @Brother DXer was also working some stations as I could hear him making contacts with some of the ones I also was able to contact. Pretty cool for a mediocre day.

Everyone have a blessed and good weekend, hope to catch some of you fine folks on the air in the days to come.
I second that today was mediocre. Lots of DX, but really localized. Numerous stations out of Wisconsin, and all over canada. Talked with 3hundred99 Gordon in Ontario. Good sounding station today. I've heard him before but never this strong. Also talked to Bill in Cheyenne WY. I left my log book in the shack, and I can't remember them all. Texas was silent in Colombia hoy. I doubt if I will get on the air tomorrow and Sunday, as the pileups at my QTH and the inconsiderate weekend operators really take the fun out of it for me.

J.J. 399
Conditions have been holding out OK up here. Lots of background noise the last few days though, which has been wiping out some of the weaker stations.
Still talking to ops in Europe in the morning no problem..........in fact Europe was in at impressive strength today (for the West Coast).

I heard 226 Brother DX'er on 39 a couple times this afternoon while scanning the band. Tried to get back but just way to many stations on the channel. Also heard a 399 on 37 a little before that, but not sure if it was THE 399 ?
I haven't been on the radio in over a week. Been fighting a bug I picked up 8 days ago, but hopefully I'll get some this weekend.

Yes, I was on yesterday for about 30 minutes and made a handful of contacts before losing my voice. Conditions weren't great but doable if you wait it out. I did hear @Eldorado828 knocking 'em down in his new mobile setup. :cool:
I'm hearing Iowa, Texas, Pennsylvania on 37-38-39 LSB here in the desert southwest this weekend, but have a noise floor at S4 to S5. And the Uniden 980SSB at 10W into a base-loaded MFJ-1974 portable vertical isn't making it in the other (outbound) direction apparently, as no calls are answered.
I'm hearing Iowa, Texas, Pennsylvania on 37-38-39 LSB here in the desert southwest this weekend, but have a noise floor at S4 to S5. And the Uniden 980SSB at 10W into a base-loaded MFJ-1974 portable vertical isn't making it in the other (outbound) direction apparently, as no calls are answered.
Maybe try something like an antron99 and see if better results. Just a thought. Gl

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