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Search results

  1. K

    legal question, jamming

    Can someone point me to the exact legal phases that say it illegal to jam someone's signal?
  2. K

    Amateur radio & computer

    Here is my dumb question of the day. I see computer connections for radios, but I am not sure what is being done by the computer and what is being done by the radio. It appears that the radio is a standalone device and the computer is only used for certain protocols, logging and other...
  3. K

    What have you done in/on ham radio this week?

    I have done this on other forums for other hobbies. It let the experts brag about what cool stuff they were doing and let the newbies see what is working and what is not. Additionally, as a newbie I will be posting my accomplishments. Hopefully I will see progress and maybe help someone who...
  4. K

    Powering FT897 in the field

    I like the FT897, but don't like options for powering it in the field. The internal batteries are expensive and don't last very long and recharging them requires taking the unit apart and couldn't be done in the field very easily. And to top it off, it is limited to 20W output. Although...
  5. K

    VX-8R AA battery

    I have a AA battery pack. I don't like it because when I use it, I can only have 1W output. Can I increase output by changing the type of batteries I am feeding the battery pack? I was thinking something like Protected UltraFire 14500 AA sized 3.6V Li-Ion Rechargeable Battery 900 mAh...
  6. K

    Mobile antenna not mounted on car

    It I take a Comet SB14 (try band antenna, usually mounted on a car), and want to use it away from the car with my VX-8R..... Should I expect difficulties (high SWR, or just bad reception)? What are my options for conversion (do I just need a magnet mount or is there something better)...
  7. K


    I picked up an APRS message about this today. Seems like a good cause. So I am passing the information along to those that may not know. SimSat-4 is rescheduled for October 24
  8. K

    Once it is tune, Always tuned?

    Once an antenna is tuned, is it always tuned? Or to put it in other terms, if carry all my stuff to one location, tune an antenna, can I leave the antenna tune at home after that?
  9. K

    HT and longer wires

    The other night I was sitting in a location playing with my VX-8R and SRH789 antenna. It was setup to receive APRS on channel B and I was receiving contacts. Then I started listening to shortwave on channel A. This wasn’t coming in very good, so I attached a long SW wire to the SRH789...
  10. K

    APRS, SSB or repeater or both

    Is APRS using SSB, repeaters, or both? I assume both. I would think it would need repeaters to connect to the internet and be put into the DB. I would think my other contacts would be SSB (HAM to HAM). Right? Or to put it a different way. If I am out of repeater range, I will not be...
  11. K

    Manual/Auto antenna tuners

    Talk to me about Manual vs Auto antenna tuners. I know nothing.
  12. K

    Yaesu FT-897D vs. Yaesu FT-857D

    My dumb question of the day. :headbang What is the difference between the Yaesu FT-897D and Yaesu FT-857D? I can not find where they are lined up head to head. Thanks
  13. K


    I am not sure where this goes, so I will place it here. What distance can I achieve with a 10M rig? Everything I currently have is line of sight more or less (6M, 2M, 222, 440). Can I go over hill and dale like other HF with 10M or is it line of sight more or less? Thanks
  14. K

    Survival HT BWCA

    I need the collective knowledge of the experienced HAMs to help me answer a theoretical question. Assume I want to go canoe camping in the BWCA (Lat 48, Long -91). This is approximately 14 miles NE over rolling hills from Ely, MN (location of the nearest repeater). During this trip I might...
  15. K

    On this day 222 years ago....

    Although this is an international forum, and it is not about constitutional issues, with the number of Americans on this forum and the influence of this document around the world, I still think it is worth mentioning. Today, on Constitution Day, we celebrate a document that forever enshrined...
  16. K

    Not having much luck listening to SW

    I have been trying to listen to some SW and I am not having much luck. Earlier last week while trying to learn my VX-8R I went into the pre-programmed SW band area. I did a quick scan and I had a nice clear signal which I "think" was Cuba. Since then I have been able to pick up anything on...
  17. K

    Police Freqs?

    Has anyone compiled a list of the different frequencies the different law enforcement units use? I missed the Coast Guard fun today because I wasn't listening to the right Freqs.
  18. K

    CB on VX-8R

    I should be able to receive, but not transmit on a modified VX-8R correct? I am listening on several channels, but I am not hearing any chatter. I am wondering if I need to listen to a different channels or if I am doing something wrong.
  19. K


    I did some googling and I am not seeing any modification, but I thought I would post here to see if anyone here knew a way of opening up the spectrum to more than just the marine band. As a side note, the STANDARD HORIZON HX350S has served me very well. It was carried a lot and used very...
  20. K

    VX-8R Memeory management

    Sorry for the newbie question... It looks like there are more memories than I can remember. How do you arrange things so they are useful?