Leave it to you to be the first to jump in with a snotty comment.
Like clockwork.
Leave it to you to be the first to jump in with a snotty comment.
??? I have no idea what you're talking about, sure your on 10 meters? Unless your talking about TODD the Lid ? I am close enough to him distance wise I never hear him.no matter what freq your on there is always RADIO JAMACIA MAUN n ROGER CHARLIE FOXTROT ZULU ZULU
ive been noticing that lots lately, just like blitzertung,hit n miss lightning detctor. showed extreme strikes in my area this morning at 7 am. at 7 am skys were pretty much cleared up.hour later rain no strikes but didnt go look at blitzertung
This is reasoning the band took a dive!
Still open to S. America off/on...I worked an HP9 (Panama) station though...just because had not heard one here in a spell
Some of these links just do not display correctly!!!
I talked CN8NOA Ahmed several days ago !CN8NOA/MORROCCO, AFRICA working US/EURO''s on 28.515
15:50z 4.7.22
It was around 1830 to 1930 or something like that, best I can recall. DXMaps had him in the grayline. ZS3Y was his call.What time EST are you hearing South Africa on the gray line