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11 meter is very quiet?

Slo , in all honesty I wasn't sure about RM Italy . My mind has changed Big Time ! A local friend bought a 503B @ a clean out , husband passed she sold all his stuff . That amps is off the Hook ! (y) It changed my mind for sure about them . Talked to one of my " Radio Guru's " he said they are Great Amps , just Baby Them the will last a long time . Good Luck with your purchases , hope to catch you on the airways ! 73 & God Bless ! Leo
Slo , in all honesty I wasn't sure about RM Italy . My mind has changed Big Time ! A local friend bought a 503B @ a clean out , husband passed she sold all his stuff . That amps is off the Hook ! (y) It changed my mind for sure about them . Talked to one of my " Radio Guru's " he said they are Great Amps , just Baby Them the will last a long time . Good Luck with your purchases , hope to catch you on the airways ! 73 & God Bless ! Leo

Soberly, they’re what I can afford. Second, in the event I cooked even the most expensive one, I can still get back in the game.

— Were this 1997, I’d go for the reliable parts (hopefully, design) that served others so well for so long.

Any of them you choose I wish you the best of luck.

The KL-203 is a mobile unit game-changer where space and power draw are concerns. Carry two. Carry three.

A $180 radio + $90 amp + $200 DSP Speaker = Game on!

My mobile back-up rig is a $100 Uniden 980, $55 KL-203, and a $12 KES-5 speaker. All of them NOS. Think it’ll perform? ($167 total).

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You guys are killing me! Stuck home with my busted neck and conditions are rolling! I gots to get an antenna up in the air at the house somehow!
Maybe I'll annoy myself trying to hang that Radiowavz double bazooka up? Or maybe try a Sirio Boomerang?
Until then I'll just have to listen to SDR online..............

Oh the humanity........

Funny how we both have two of the same antennas. Your part of Ohio is OOR for what I’m doing, but never say never . . be pretty funny to watch two old crips try to hang a bazooka without cuss words zinging around.

Get something up, and then you can read kopcicle on Racoon Roasters.

Slo , Believe me nothing special in my Mobile . :LOL: Old Cobra 140gtl w/ extra channels , Old King Bee 250 Amp ( only does 60 on low & 130w on high :whistle::eek: ) & my Stryker Mag Mount . It works for what I use it for , that set up will work fine ! (y) I always thought about an Anytone At-6666 that I refer everyone else to :LOL: but really don't drive my truck that much any longer mostly Hay runs for the critters . 73 & God Bless ! Leo
Funny how we both have two of the same antennas. Your part of Ohio is OOR for what I’m doing, but never say never . . be pretty funny to watch two old crips try to hang a bazooka without cuss words zinging around.

Get something up, and then you can read kopcicle on Racoon Roasters.

Is any radio/antenna install properly accomplished without, at least, a few less than Christian words uttered by said installer?
Probably not.........

Happened again about an hour ago on 27.405 LSB.

I was talking to local friend 2487 Danny thanking him for helping me put up a 2-meter antenna today and for giving me a 2-meter Yaesu radio.

Here comes another familiar voice through my speaker.

You got it…1183 RI Leo coming in strong again today! (y)
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