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Dec 28, 2008
Hello Everyone reading my post. My question is that My friend just bought a Pal 321 Base Amplifier . This is a 1 6lf6 driving 3 6lf6 . Can some one tell me if these were good amps and if they were pretty clean sounding. Also what kind of watts can he see from this amp. Also on low watt setting is this cutting the driver tube and going straight to the final tubes? Meaning more watts can be applied? ? And then going to high means your using the driver tube into the final output tubes? Meaning you drive her with less input? He is actually going to use 1 watt swinging to 25 watts pep into her either way.

Also what is the best way for him to tune and Plate her using his separate meters. Also is there a Way to obtain the manual or anything on this Box. Thanks Guys. Sorry for all these questions. Hope I don't sound under educated. Best regards and wishes from Me to you...............LightFoot with the Wave............;)

321 amplifier

I think the high and low changes the high voltage to the tubes thus more output. These amps like a lower dead key into them like 1-1/2 watts or less. Your friend will like the amp i think i know the fellow he got it from . Tell him dont forget to remove the bubble wrap from the inside . lol
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Oh my God, Hahaha :LOL: I cant believe you know him. He is a really nice person. I will make sure the wrapping is off of the tubes. I saw what it can do and was impressed by the test buck performed on his meters. Is there a way to get the manual for this amp? Thanks and hope to hear from you again.............:whistle:

Hes a good fair ebayer ! i have known him all my life. We are first cousin's . I know this amplifier and its gona make you very happy . I have seen it hang in there with some much bigger amps . lol
As far as a manual i hav'nt ever seen one for this palomar . not listed on cb tricks. Call buckhunter if you need to when hooking it up ! Or i'll help you just ask . He also does not cut corners when it come to packing .
good luck
Hi again TetroideTom I actually tried googling and exhausted all my resources in regards to the Pal 321 Manual. If we have any concerns We will get back. I think it should be straight Forward. Im Glad that he does well in packing. Its important with these amps especially with tubes. You have a good cousin. You can tell him for me. Plus he gave us a good deal we didnt want to pass. Well thank you for replying back looking forward to working it. Best wishes from us out here in San Francisco............LightFoot with the wave...........
Hello Everyone reading my post. My question is that My friend just bought a Pal 321 Base Amplifier . This is a 1 6lf6 driving 3 6lf6 . Can some one tell me if these were good amps and if they were pretty clean sounding.

This is a 1970's vintage amplifier, it does not have a tuned input; the possibility of generating harmonics exist. Garbage in equals Garbage out,

Also what kind of watts can he see from this amp.

Between 200 and 400 watts

Also on low watt setting is this cutting the driver tube and going straight to the final tubes?

No, the Lo-Hi switch is not bypassing any stages or, changing the amount of plate volts on the tube, that switch is adding bias via a 47 ohm resistor to the driver stage.

Meaning more watts can be applied?

No, that amp was built when radios keyed 4 watts AM and, 12 watts SSB, that is what it was "designed" to handle.

And then going to high means your using the driver tube into the final output tubes?

High mean your driver tube is running hotter or, at a different bias level.

Meaning you drive her with less input? He is actually going to use 1 watt swinging to 25 watts pep into her either way.

I would strongly recommend using a 4 watt carrier to key that amplifier; that Yo-Yo modulation swing from 1 watt to 25 watts only looks good on the meter; yes, you are loud but you are also tearing up the adjecent frequencies.

Also what is the best way for him to tune and Plate her using his separate meters.

Tune it for max dead key and then (if you have a peak reading wattmeter) adjust the LOAD control for maximum forward on your wattmeter when you inject audio. That's it.

Also is there a Way to obtain the manual or anything on this Box. Thanks Guys. Sorry for all these questions. Hope I don't sound under educated. Best regards and wishes from Me to you...............LightFoot with the Wave............;)

PAL 321

deffinately watch your drive!!! These tubes aswell as most sweep tubes are getting hard to find so do yourself a favor and take care of those tubes dont beat them.
Hello Paws 263 appreciate the info there. I was able to obtain the schematics through your HyperLink. Sincerely appreciate that. Will set the drive up to 4 watts and keep the audio about 95% on the scopes. You sure know your stuff there. And Tonyv225 Thank you for your input will keep thing smooth as to not kill her. Sincerely appreciate all the Info . Amp should be here tomorrow. Will keep you posted on its working conditions. Best regards and wishes to all that participate and who read my Thread.................LightFoot with the Golden Wave........;)
well, As I promised the Amplifier arrived safely Double boxed and Popcorn and bubble wrapped great. This beast is a heavy unit, Weighs close to 26 pounds. I did everything as was on how to tune and load. Also the little adjustment on the back was set to Max Drive. This Puppy was talking Great. I'm very Pleased. Puts out allot more than my Texas star 350hd. And on ssb and Fm she was cleaner than my Texas star. Anyway, Tried her out in Skip and Performed like she should. Best regards and warm wishes to all reading this Final Post......LightFoot off the Rainy Coast of San Francisco with the Golden Wave..............(y)
It is a nice Amp. On my Co-Axial Dynamics Watt meter with a bird slug it shows 300-310
watts RMS with very strong 6LF6's. The Dummy load is at exactly 50 ohms. Baby it.6LF6
are not cheap and appear to be very hard to get. Driver CB is set at 2.5W RMS dead key.
It peaks to 4W RMS. I keep it on a Shelf as a back up to my backup. An L.D.O Amp. which is the backup to my Skipper 300. Nice looking old school Amp.
Don't know if you had these or not, but here they are. The 321 and the 321A


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