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50 watt mod? Gimmie the straight scoop...

LoneWolf TN

Active Member
Apr 2, 2005
OK, just how much do you folks like those Cobras and Unidens with the 50 watt mods done by Justin???

Do the radios have booooooooming loud clean sounding aaaauuudio?

How do they compare to the Export radios in overall audio?

How do they compare with other Cobras and Unidens with various mods done?

How do the radios drive a class C mobile amp, and is 50 watt drive too much for say, 2-2290's x 4-2879's?

Most importantly, was it worth the money and would you recommend the mod?

Thanks, LoneWolf TN

is this a joke? A 50 watt cobra?!Even if you got one to swing like that , it still wouldn't hear across the street

I have no personal Experience with them but Moleculo and Bcrewcaptain both do. Hopefully they will both post more info on this subject soon.
Jester it's no joke, they are the first place I have ever heard of that can get a Bird 43P to hit 50 watts and look good on the scope as well. They also re-work the receive. The posts and info is here on the forum for all to read.
IM with you on your questions there LW-TN ???? They say there good but what about the questions you asked ? So you could drop them down to 2 watts and get that same 50 watt swing ? and it would still look nice on a scope ? Wow !! Now i'd like to see that one !!! In my case ,IM just glad the big swing'in type radios aren't that important to me ,I get about 35 watts out of a 25 Classic from a 2 watt DK (1969/2413) ,but that's with a cap and resistor mod and anybody whos familure with a scope will know what that looks like,same with the npc mod's ....OK then .....so we don't talk to scopes , but in my case ,that's all I need to drive my little 4 pill....I suppose I could also run my 4 pill at 2 swing'in 8 with a 100% scoped out audio situation as well......now that would surely be a cleaner situation depending on the amp as well ,or so I would think. Mathamatics of course. They say IM losing power the other way and I truly understand this ...I suppose this would make me a dirty old man to a degree anyway....just like the drive and love that dirty audio (at least that's what the scope says but I don't talk to those ,I talk to people) I run power, so a bigger then 35 watt swing is really not needed for me . Now if I didn't run power ? I bet a little back pocket radio like a 25 classic do'in 7 or 8DK swing'in upwords to 50 would be pretty cool . Again I say ...I like your questions LW-TN ....but I have yet to see anybody answer them ? IM not really sure the cost on those ? 60.00 ? but I would think one would do just as well or better with a little strap on KL-60 ....I've seen really good numbers off of those with a 1 watt drive and seen them sell for around 30 to 40 dollars....I suppose it just depends on what one wants ?
A few years ago i had one of my cobra 29 classic's gone thru by best com.They did the 50 watt mod to the radio and all i can say it was a screamer!I got alot of good reports from many other drivers,most of them thought it was a Galaxy 99 so yes the mod really works and yes the receive worked just as good if not better than before.I had a few shop's that said there was no way that a 29 could do that kind of power and after one shop saw what it looked like on the scope and the power it did he gave me a brand new 99 just so he could get his hands on my 29 just to see how it was done and to copy it im sure.I still have that 99 but i miss my little cobra from time to time.
I have one of these radios, and it does do around 50 watts on a Bird 43P or any other active peak reading meter (I have a Bird 43P). I've seen it on a scope and a spec analyzer and it looks great. I've attached a couple of MPGs I took while at F.G. Best a while back so people could see for themselves. One is a shot of a bird 43p, and one is an HP Spec Analyzer.


Do the radios have booooooooming loud clean sounding aaaauuudio?


How do they compare to the Export radios in overall audio?

That's a pretty broad question, but I think they sound great. Of course the mic and any echo board added will also effect the overall audio quality

How do they compare with other Cobras and Unidens with various mods done?

This mod can be performed on quite a few of those radios that are AM only. Unidens like Grant LT's that are completely different radios sound, well...completely different.

How do the radios drive a class C mobile amp, and is 50 watt drive too much for say, 2-2290's x 4-2879's?

They drive certain amps real good. Something like a straight 4x2879 works great. I would think it would be too much for a 2x4. I don't really care for 2x4 configurations anyway because they drive the snot out of the 2879's (side topic). I've used my 50 watt cobra 29 on a pride dx 300 that has a 4cx300 tube in it and it's too much drive for it, IMO. The tube takes it, but I think it's just making it run too hot if you want a long lasting linear.

Most importantly, was it worth the money and would you recommend the mod?

Yes. I use mine on the base. The locals always think I'm running a small amp. It's set up so that the carrier can be switched between 2 watts and 6 watts. Either Communications Experts or F.G. Best are the two places that I know of that perform this mod.

If you have any other questions, let me know.
I just installed my Justin-Cobra 25 with a Wilson 1000 mag mount, and have had only one chance to use it on the X-way. I couldn't get a transmit range report, but receivers said I was in the red, with good clear sound. Seems like I am getting good range on receive, also with good, clear sound. I will try and post some objective findings when I get them. I do know this -- the Cobra makes my Radio Shack TRC-446 look like something from the stone age!

Question: I already had installed, and I am using, the stock connector kit with 18 ga wiring and 2 amp fuse hooked to the fuse box with Little-fuse add-a-circuit. Chassis ground. I know it is best to wire both sides to the battery, but I have not had time to do this yet.

But for now -- is the stock connector OK, or do I need larger wire and larger fuse, and will this help performance?
So 2 to 50 watts and looks good on the scope ? ,the 2 to 50 I can believe , but looking A-1 right on the scope ? I think I'd believe that when I saw it with my own eyes. No splatter ,I believe you even had a post a while back there Mole that was even talking about the not so good read off the scope with the NPC on Grants and 148s ....and we all know they don't do no 50 watts ,not even close , a glorified swing kit if you will , what a diode change ? ......what ever the truth really is ? they work and there's happy customers to prove it , doesn't make it perfect either , the tech may do one thing weather it's mathamatically correct or not , it's the customers money and how happy they are with it in the end that truly matters.(even if the techs no better) I've heard the stories from a few techs in my time .Swing Kits and NPC mods are no good !! as far as the scopes go (Splatter and waste of power to adjasent channels and so on) ....but they will drive amps better (harder) and give that audio from hell sound that so many operators seem to look for .....I can really appreciate the truth on how all this works but when it becomes or begins to sound like a damned ad campain / what does that have to do with the truth of whats really going on ? ....there you go LW-TN .....I think you got the answers you might have been loking for ?
The radio will routinely show 28 Watts PEP with the stock final. You have to change more than JUST the final to get significantly more than that from a 2SC1969.

The larger final requires more drive. Altering the driver stage to do this gets you another 10 Watts PEP, more or less. Change the driver transistor, some resistors in the final and driver's input circuits and you're up to about 40 Watts PEP. About 7 or 8 years ago, we worked out a setup that sounds like this. It also involved changing some capacitors and a coil, to get more power out of the larger driver, and INTO the larger final. This got us up to a predictable 45 Watts PEP.

Only did about a dozen and a half of them. Out of those, a handful of units showed 50 Watts PEP or a bit more. We use Bird "A" elements for CB radios. Makes readings a bit stingy.

Experience tells me that if 20% of the radios we modified this way would deliver 50 Watt peaks, that someone could dig further into the circuitry and optimize some capacitor values to make that 50-Watt mark achieveable most of the time, instead of "some" of the time.

Justin appears to have done exactly that. Looked at the circuit, altered component values to maximize power output.

You'll never see this from a modern-day "SSB" radio, CB or "10-meter" with a single final. But an AM-only radio uses a voltage step-up transformer to modulate the final and driver. This roughly doubles the peak voltage FED INTO the final and driver. If you fed steady direct current into this radio's power stages, 28 Volts DC would get you a 45 to 50-Watt carrier. But not for long. A steady carrier that large would be very brief. Since every (28-Volt) voice peak is followed by a (zero-Volts) voice VALLEY, the stress on the final is averaged out, and it will deliver 40-plus peak Watts. Since this remains only 10 to 12 Watts AVERAGE power, the final will take it just fine. Modern SSB radios do NOT contain that step-up transformer, and will only give you about half as much PEP per transistor.

We only did a dozen and a half of the "45-Watt" mod. About that time, the price of two-transistor linears dropped in half, more or less. I couldn't recommend doing it unless the radio would be run barefoot ONLY. For only about double what we charged for our "45-Watt" mod, you could get a (roughly) 200 Watt linear. Spending the same money on an amplifier would get you Watts per dollar. Spending it on the radio would get you "Dollars per Watt". Kinda like comparing "Gallons per Mile" to "Miles per Gallon". That mod ceased to be a good deal, so I stopped recommending it.

Linears got cheaper, stayed cheap, and the price of radio parts and labor only goes up. Haven't done one of those in 3 or 4 years now.

Out of the dozen and a half of that mod we did, a handful of radios DID show 50-plus Watts PEP. Since the wimpiest would still deliver 45 Watts, that was the claim we made for it.

I have no doubt that if Justin looked deeper than I did, he could work out what separated the "45-Watt" radio from the "55-Watt" radio, and optimized his setup. A claim of 50 Watts is perfectly believable from my first-hand experience. I would also predict that his "50-Watt" claim is what he can expect from the average radio. Odds are that at least half the units he does this to will deliver a little more.

There's nothng magic or mysterious about it. Just plain, boring engineering.

It IS a 'hot-rod' setup, mind you. A stock radio could probably stay keyed for minutes at a time with a shorted coax, before blowing a final/driver. A "hot-rod" may tolerate it only for seconds. You do sacrifice some of your safety margin in exchange for the added performance. You just have to treat the SWR like the "red line" on the tach in a race car. Ignore it and something will blow.

And one more detail, not so technical. What a radio's owner reports is colored by ego. Who wants to admit he spent big bucks for a mod and was disappointed? I agree with your skepticism of claims a guy makes about his own equipment. Might be affected by ego, might not. Kinda like asking a fisherman about the size of a fish he caught.

I have no such axe to grind. Don't have any radios Justin has reworked. I get my labor free, don't need to. No, I haven't SEEN his setup, but there is no technical barrier to it, and only a ten percent difference between his claim and what we were seeing. Gotta figure his setup would look very familiar if I saw one. It's just (reverse) engineering, not magic.

6 watt carrier swings to 8 and a half...bird43-- rms loud as hell ...when ran with a class b 2 2879's.mic gain at 1:00 with a handheld D104...swings to 350 watts..sounds like a big radio..lots of compliments from this particular radio that I got from Frank--modulation is loud and very clean...a little 'ole 25 LTD Classic no doubt...buy one you will like!!!
And one more detail, not so technical. What a radio's owner reports is colored by ego. Who wants to admit he spent big bucks for a mod and was disappointed? I agree with your skepticism of claims a guy makes about his own equipment. Might be affected by ego, might not. Kinda like asking a fisherman about the size of a fish he caught. ...............................Very well put Mr Nomad ,you should have seen the size of that sucker I caught !!!! I swear it was this big............................ !!!! but really it was ....... (-: 20 years gone and I think my CB EGO is still with me ? maybe not as BIG as it once was but I can still feel that artifiacial rush from the swing of things (-: it's just finding out the TRUTH that can really deflate a radio operators EGO from time to time if they choose to believe ? (IM one of them) it kind of just goes back to snipping diodes and after learning why it was truly a bad idea , now this was almost a EGO booster !! not so much to the fact that it can become dirty as hell but more so the fact that I was losing power ,now that's the one that really got me listening !!! but yet I must still be hard headed because I use cap and resistor mods )-: my bad I suppose. I often wonder if I truly would know a clean audio signal if I heard one ? I think I have ? It usually sounds as if IM talking to a person on the telephone ,clear as a bell !! not loud blowing me out of my seat audio ,kind of just right and loud enough for all to hear I would say ......now if I could just get it through my head that if I lost the cap and resistor and just went to the 2 watt DK to 8 watt swing to drive from my amp with a scoped out 100% modulation ,chances are I would have that kind of audio and more then likely utalize my power more so in the right direction instead of wasting it to other channels above and below the one IM modualating on.......You would truly think this would regester in my brain ? Hmmm ......EGO I say !!! I'd be lying if I said I didn't like that knock you out of your seat type audio .....again ...my bad.
Does not have anything to do do with ego on my part.He asked i told him the truth!They have done more than a few radios for me and they always performed like they said it would.No golden screwdriver tricks to fool the metter into seeing that kinda of power like spreading the little coil apart or any of the other slight of hand things that they do!Just because most of the shops out in cb land dont know there azz from a hole in the ground does not mean that there's not a few out there who really know what they are doing!
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I personally can not speak for most shops through out the country and I can't say they don't know there asses from a hole in the ground either ,sounds like you have been jerked around there alot ? )-: IM sorry to hear that. Think you have taken things the wrong way here ? As I said before ,if you are the customer and you are happy ? that's all that really matters in the end .The rest is all opinions , and we all know what there like. (-: you know what EGO really means ? Edging God Out . (the truth that is) Peace

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