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May 24, 2013
i have the amc mod and expo mod but this radio barley has any swing this radio has 2166 driving 2x 2312 pretty much same as 1969 i know nobody likes this radio but it sounds great just need some swing i get 2 to 2.5 watts of swing.... any mods for this would be greatly appriciated i cant find anybody willing to work on this radio not because of what it is but no information on it everybody i call says they never worked on one... so where are all the awesome techs at lol

Superstar 4900B

Without knowing the history of the radio a factory tune and alignment would be in order. From what I saw stock was dual 1969 finals, once again some one did an "upgrade" to the 2312's. The wattage you are seeing seems way way low. Might have a power supply side issue, blown finals, or another part is bad. Time to send it in for repair.
when i got the radio it had 1969's in it but it had this same problem thats why we got the 2312 made by eleflow they said it was the replacement for the 1969's thought it might take care of the problem ive talked to one guy in california said there is a swing kit mod simple for this radio something about adding a diode and resister between 2 transistors but he wont tell me what resistor or diode or the location he told me to send it to him he would tune and calibrate it and make it swing to atleast 25 watts And 45 PEP with the 2312's but for a $200 bill plus shipping hmm thats pretty high to add a resistor and diode ???? well i guess with tune and peak also. but so far he's the only one who can do this radio i guess lol thought i would get some info before i thought about sending it in id just like to have it working right first base setup and i like it.... id rather try to save money and do myself if its easy but not sounding so easy lol.
there is just not much info on this radio. the link 9c1driver left you is about the most info out on this radio. mon that page it just shows how to defeat the limiter and that gives the radio more swing but it also causes modulation problems on ssb. do not know what mod he was refering to for swing since it is a smd board..
good luck on finding any more info.
There isn't much of a difference in output between the 1969 and the 2312.

Removing the limiter may well affect SSB performance and quality.

Sounds like the radio just needs to have the TX coils peaked - IMO . . .
whats an smd board?

that means it has surface mount components which are hard to repair if you damage one. such as all the diodes and resisters and capacitors.
from what I am understanding from what is posted is that you have limited experiance with this. not trying to be rude just you could mess uip the radio not having the proper tools to work on it. so please get someone that has the right equipment to do the mods for you. if it was a radio with regular parts soldered through the board you could more than likely do it.as the finals you changed out.
whats an smd board?

Only thing I can add is SMD (surface mount) means very very very tiny components. As an example, to convert a Cobra 200 which was an SMD board the part you had to remove would fit on the nose of president Lincoln on a penny. There are many old school techs that refuse to work on SMD radio's because it's too easy to screw something up.
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None of the old guys will even look at an SMD radio. If it screws up they will just try to sell you a new one..
i have the amc mod and expo mod but this radio barley has any swing this radio has 2166 driving 2x 2312 pretty much same as 1969 i know nobody likes this radio but it sounds great just need some swing i get 2 to 2.5 watts of swing.... any mods for this would be greatly appriciated i cant find anybody willing to work on this radio not because of what it is but no information on it everybody i call says they never worked on one... so where are all the awesome techs at lol

i'm assuming your using an average reading power meter here,is it into an antenna or dummy load? you say you get 2.5w swing, from what, what is your carrier power? what is your ssb power? what is your fm carrier power? if your carrier power is 4w and you get 2 - 2.5w forward swing on an average meter your getting around or just over 100% modulation.

if you mean it only puts out 2 watts,chances are your finals are wasted or something around them is, Because 2w is roughly what the driver alone puts out,So shorted outputs wouldn't amplify but could pass driver signal.

Swing mods are a lot of shit, cause distortion and beleedover into adjacent channels and possibly worse, why the fuck would you want that? Nice clean sounding modulation is what you want, if you want to give it some punch, add a speech compressor/processor and expect slightly compromised clarity in exchange for more punch, (basically what mp3 does to a cd, or remastering a cd does, for todays modern generation who like thump thump music), don't hack up the radios defence circuits, they are there for a good reason.
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Hallo Leute, sucht Ersatzteile für das Stabo XF-9082 Professional 1 und 2 CB Radio, das Gerät ist identisch mit dem Superstar 4900B. In der Professional 1-Version wurde dies auf 10 Meter umgebaut und leider an den Jumpern vorne herumgebastelt. Ich möchte die Hauptplatine restaurieren, damit die Jumper wiederverwendet werden können. Gibt es noch Ersatzteile? 73‘s
Hello people, are looking for spare parts for the Stabo XF-9082 Professional 1 and 2 CB radio, the device is identical to the Superstar 4900B. In the Professional 1 version this was converted to 10 meters and unfortunately tinkered with the jumpers at the front, I would like to restore the main board so that the jumpers can be reused. are there still spare parts? 73, p.

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